Homemade insecticide SCREWED my plants! HELP PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning to find that bugs had been munching away on my two week old Afghan sprouts. There were also spiderwebs on all of them. I needed to spray them with some sort of insecticide, so I decided to go the "safe" route and make my own. I included a little dishwashing soap, a little canola oil, a little hot sauce, 1/4 apple cider vinegar, and the rest water. I sprayed the plants down, let them dry for an hour, came back and saw this...

The leaves have turned a purplish/brown, and curled up. After seeing this, I immediately sprayed down the leaves with fresh water and flushed the soil. Do these guys have any hope or are they totally fucked up? I'm really pissed at myself for this. I'm hoping the plants have the capability to clean themselves out. Any thoughts or suggestions?
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Well-Known Member
You were on the right path with the homemade insecticidal,but use just a little ivory soap and water,dump the other ingredients. Just let her go you should be okay as long as the root system is still strong and alive. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
hot sauce and dishwashing soap?
wtf were you thinking?

as for the plants, i think they will be ok, just clean em up with fresh water.


Well-Known Member
Just doing what I was suggested to do by several posters on this forum. Granted, I may not have mixed it correctly. Wont be doing that again.


Well-Known Member
I think the mistake may have been in using "hot sauce". You can't control what's in it, and I'll wager that a major ingredient is SALT. So.. you salted your plants possibly. Next time go with straight chiles, or something like ground cayenne.


Well-Known Member
Go buy some neem oil at the grow shop and follow the directions next time. It cannot harm your plants but will kill any bug that takes a chomp on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I'm using it again, I just found the bug that I think lays the leafminer babies. Are you getting actual nicotine, or are you using tobacco? I use tobacco, and since I started my husband has begun rolling his own cigarettes. I don't like him smoking (he's got high blood pressure), but if he's going to, may as well smoke JUST tobacco without all that other shit. Plus, he realizes a real cost savings rolling his own. Oh, and hilarity ensues when a kid's eyes open wide while he's sitting there rolling one after the other, and then we say, "Um, dude, it's tobacco." :lol:


Well-Known Member
hey, i am just saying the BEST BEST way is to go to a hardware store....and buy a 4 dollar insecticide bottle that you can spray on your plant weekly if you have a problem. I see my babies like every two weeks and really dont have a bug problem but everytime i see them i spray it on. Its cheap and for sure good so i would suggest that man.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but I got mine at Wallyworld at it cost over $6. Prices are going up every day, sheesh. But yeah, I LOVE being able to PUMP YOU UP! :D


Ok, sorry, bad SNL reference.