honey oil


Well-Known Member
Since organic solvents are not allowed to be used to make oil, what are our legal options? Organic Solvents includes all alcohols right?

I don't mean CO2 and other methods beyond the means of yer average grower who makes small batches.


Well-Known Member
Without getting into a debate on how to make the stuff and vacuum purging etc....

Wondering what a gram of honey oil goes for typically. Not talking commercially available stuff or anything from L.P.'s but homegrown small scale stuff that's been around forever. I've only ever made small batches from bud, not trim, and have been wondering what its actual value might be. Again, I know there's grades based on material and how "professionally" its done.. but IN GENERAL what's decent honey oil go for by the gram?
ISO oil is about $10/gram from the real gray market ie not legal/illegal dispensaries. If you can't get it from a grower or a concentrate guy directly its down to about $25/30 retail. Shatter here is now $350-400/oz


Well-Known Member
Since organic solvents are not allowed to be used to make oil, what are our legal options? Organic Solvents includes all alcohols right?

I don't mean CO2 and other methods beyond the means of yer average grower who makes small batches.
Our option is to ignore the law like we've always done, and do what you want to do in the privacy of your 'well ventilated' home - or, preferably, your backyard. As long as it's done safely, who's gonna know or care?


Well-Known Member
Our option is to ignore the law like we've always done, and do what you want to do in the privacy of your 'well ventilated' home - or, preferably, your backyard. As long as it's done safely, who's gonna know or care?
Oh I agree, but that wasn't what I asked. I'm curious if there ARE any legal options other than sprinkling your ground up buds in melted butter....

Evaporating a small bowl of methyl hydrate is no different than leaving a paint brush soaking in a can of it, but they don't make that illegal.... so, prepare your wash, then while evaporating it, put a tiny little paint brush in the dish... tada, you're legal! :) Right?


Well-Known Member
Oh I agree, but that wasn't what I asked. I'm curious if there ARE any legal options other than sprinkling your ground up buds in melted butter....

Evaporating a small bowl of methyl hydrate is no different than leaving a paint brush soaking in a can of it, but they don't make that illegal.... so, prepare your wash, then while evaporating it, put a tiny little paint brush in the dish... tada, you're legal! :) Right?


Well-Known Member
As in Rosin Press? That can be a large investment too... and likely won't yield anything from my shake...

So, no options for solvents to make oil? Is this just a way for them to make sure we can't make oil legally?
Rosin pressing doesn't have to be hugely expensive but I get what you mean it is an investment. But if you are wanting to be legal and solvent extractions are out, then rosin would be your best bet.

If you have trim to work with, most people will either make bubble hash or just dry sift the trim to get the trichomes off and then rosin press that to save time and up the yields. Live rosin from fresh material is one of the tastiest concentrates, I try to enjoy it any chance I get :).


Well-Known Member
I'm ok with continuing to use solvents, carefully :)

I'm just curious if there are ANY legal options for making oil...


Well-Known Member
I'm ok with continuing to use solvents, carefully :)

I'm just curious if there are ANY legal options for making oil...
I gave you a legal option for making oil. But you said that using solvents was illegal.
Since organic solvents are not allowed to be used to make oil, what are our legal options?
I have absolutely nothing against using solvents wisely. I greatly prefer alcohol over butane or propane like some people use. CO2 might be a legal option, but as you know its hugely expensive to set up. I would bet it is still probably in the same category as solvent extractions if I had to guess. I actually believe that technically water is an organic solvant, but I doubt that they would have an issue with bubble hash.


Well-Known Member
Honestly though, can you tell us more about the older version(pre 90s) of honey oil, my ignorance is showing.
There is no "true" honey oil. There are just extracts that were made in different ways with different substances and techniques. Some were better than others.

Back in the early 80s we used to get three types of oil. Most common was plain old "pot oil." Black/green... made by soaking sugar trim in isopropyl alcohol and then slow boiling off the alcohol.
Honey oil was used by doing a a quick rinse of sugar trim with ether. It was a highly volatile chemical similar to alcohol. It evaporated faster. And it was called honey oil because it came out the the same colour and consistency of pasteurized honey. The amber runny kind. It was very potent. Because it was washed quickly it wouldnt soak up the chlorophyll which makes the oil green. Also, because the wash was so quick peeps would often wash the trim again in isopropyl to get the lower grade "pot oil".
The redish green black oil was just never before washed trim soaked in isopropyl for less time then pot oil is all, so some of the amber would come through in the green and it just showed as being redish is all.

In the 90s people started using butane to make oil with. It evaporates way faster with less heat. And from that came everything else...


Well-Known Member
Making rosin doesn't have to be a huge investment. I built my own plates and bought a ten ton press, total was $460.
Now you can buy a fully set up 6ton 3x5 rosin press on Amazon for $600, if you don't wanna build your own. Compare that to the cost of everclear or a vac/purge unit. The rosin press will make more product for cheaper. I use my trim.

Also dry ice is cheap and so are bubble bags. You can get a cooler full of dry ice for $50 could process a few pounds of material, do it fast dry ice don't last long.


Well-Known Member
I make rosin which I can get up to 30 % return just like making oil.
I made a press for under 500 bucks.
I still wash the pucks after they have been squished and get about a gram each. With IPA of course and purged in a vac chamber till it stops bubbling. Can get as hard as shatter easily is made well!!!


Well-Known Member
There is no "true" honey oil. There are just extracts that were made in different ways with different substances and techniques. Some were better than others.

Back in the early 80s we used to get three types of oil. Most common was plain old "pot oil." Black/green... made by soaking sugar trim in isopropyl alcohol and then slow boiling off the alcohol.
Honey oil was used by doing a a quick rinse of sugar trim with ether. It was a highly volatile chemical similar to alcohol. It evaporated faster. And it was called honey oil because it came out the the same colour and consistency of pasteurized honey. The amber runny kind. It was very potent. Because it was washed quickly it wouldnt soak up the chlorophyll which makes the oil green. Also, because the wash was so quick peeps would often wash the trim again in isopropyl to get the lower grade "pot oil".
The redish green black oil was just never before washed trim soaked in isopropyl for less time then pot oil is all, so some of the amber would come through in the green and it just showed as being redish is all.

In the 90s people started using butane to make oil with. It evaporates way faster with less heat. And from that came everything else...
herb oxidizes and is what is responsible for color..time being washed ..temperature too.

I use isopropyl alcohol and get great color
You;ll see this fall..
if you use warm ISO you will get all kinds of funky colors because ISO is both polar and non polar depending of its temp :)


Well-Known Member
So if I get stopped with oil, I have no legal way to explain it? How could I possibly have oil, since it appears the only way to make it is with organic solvents, then I must have broken the law?


Well-Known Member
So if I get stopped with oil, I have no legal way to explain it? How could I possibly have oil, since it appears the only way to make it is with organic solvents, then I must have broken the law?
What part of Rosin don't you understand??? That is a legal way to make oil, that's how you explain it. I've seen rosin with almost every texture and consistency, the only way a cop could tell the difference is possible with a lab test.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
What part of Rosin don't you understand??? That is a legal way to make oil, that's how you explain it. I've seen rosin with almost every texture and consistency, the only way a cop could tell the difference is possible with a lab test.
Good idea for those who didn't think of it. Very few cops would understand the whole thing anyway. But later in court it would hold up. Nothing illegal about melting the concentrate off the plant.
Then of course could be mixed with all sorts of carriers also perfectly legal. Even for vaping.
Anyone ever tried vacuuming rosin? Wonder what it does? If anything. Maybe goes shattery???


Well-Known Member
Good idea for those who didn't think of it. Very few cops would understand the whole thing anyway. But later in court it would hold up. Nothing illegal about melting the concentrate off the plant.
Then of course could be mixed with all sorts of carriers also perfectly legal. Even for vaping.
Anyone ever tried vacuuming rosin? Wonder what it does? If anything. Maybe goes shattery???
what would purge out of the rosin? I find some rosin does go hard and some stays soft and some turns buttery depending on heat but im sure theres more