

Active Member
Hi all i wasnt sure if this belonged anywhere...but needed to know... so could anyone tell me if you can smoke weed out of a hookah... and also ... can you smoke normal hookah flavoured tabacco from a hookah using a lighter as an akternative to coal:?:

Please reply soon , Nfscarbon:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can smoke weed out of a hookah. I recommend getting some flavored tobacco and then putting some weed in with it. Um, not really sure about the lighter thing? I always use hot coals. I don't think a lighter would work very well at all, but again, I don't know.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Yeah, mixing the special hookah tobacco with the weed is a must. Smoking the hookah is rather enjoyable, and you don't want to be so stoned you can't move after five minutes. If you want that, just smoke from a regular bowl, then you don't have to spend all that time setting up the hookah.

As far as how the smoke is, it's very similar to what you'd get off a vaporizer. Sativa strains seem to be better for this.

You can light a hookah with a lighter, but it's not worth it, considering the time and energy it takes to set up the hookah. You get a much better smoke with the coal.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Oh that reminds me, last time we smoked weed with a hookah, we were moving the coal around on the top. We were all very high at that point, and decided to name the coal "Old King Coal". Then my friend started reciting "Old King Coal was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he. He called for his PIPE and he called for his BOWL..." at this point we could barely contain our excitement at the discovery that Old King Cole was a stoner. And of course, he called for his fiddlers three, as they didn't have Pink Floyd albums back in his day. ;)


Well-Known Member
make sure you use a crappy $10-$20 hookah too. Weed resin will be everywhere inside your hookah after smoking weed in it. Which can lead to having to clean your hookah more than you should. Also, hookah is very social and you may smoke with non weed smokers. Some people may not be happy to know they are smoking weed resin. So if you have a really nice hookah you often bring to parties or smoke with roommates and stuff, you'd best leave that for plain old shisha and get a crappy hookah to try smoking weed out of.


stays relevant.
I personally feel like a hookah is a waste of weed... even my persian fiance thinks its a waste (and shes supposed to like hookahs)


Active Member
Hookah Fucking rules! You know what you do get some fucking redbull instead of water and put straight weed in the bowl and you are fucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must warn you though it is Harsh at first but defintly worth the high.


Well-Known Member
I smoke my weed out of a hookah a lot soon as my bong broke. It works as good, if not better than a bong. The problem is the hookah bowls are WAY to big, I got lucky though and a bong piece that I had fit in the top perfect. You shouldn't use a hookah if you are using the hookah bowl, the weed falls through, you nee like at eighth, the bowl is too wide and shallow.


I smoke my weed out of a hookah a lot soon as my bong broke. It works as good, if not better than a bong. The problem is the hookah bowls are WAY to big, I got lucky though and a bong piece that I had fit in the top perfect. You shouldn't use a hookah if you are using the hookah bowl, the weed falls through, you nee like at eighth, the bowl is too wide and shallow.
lol man, you're supposed to mix a small amount of shisha with the weed for it ti stay in the bowl. lmao.

and im not supposed to bring up old threads, iknow haha. just posting for an fyi to other ppl :)


Active Member
the only way i smoke weed is out of my hookah and it gets you fucked up. First of all, fill your bowl with shisha and add your ground up herb ontop. filling the bowl with straight weed is stupid and a waste. You need charcoals, using a lighter on the shisha will just burn the molasses in the shisha and it will be really harsh and taste like shit. As for needing a cheap hookah to smoke weed out of, thats bullshit. You should clean your hookah anyway. I clean mine every 4 bowls or so. Mine breaks down in to many smaller, easy to clean pieces but even if yours doesnt, you can boil it to get the tobacco out. Boiling your hookah wont remove the resin though, you will need either a hookah cleaning brush, or i use a gun cleaning rod and metal gun scrubbing tip. 420 cleaner works wonders also. Before i got my hookah i got on forums, includeing this one and there were alot of people that say smoking hookah is a waste of weed and blah blah blah. Well supposedly vaporizing is supposed to be the best way to smoke your bud. The coal bakes the weed at about the same temp as a vaporizer does so its very similar. Vaps work at like 150-200 degrees. Hookah charcoals are around that, may be up to around 30 degrees but they dont actually burn the shisha or weed, they bake it.


Active Member
also, if your hookah screws together like mine, you can go to home depot/lowes and find metal adapters in the plumbing section and find a few pieces the screw together in a way that you can put a screen and some weed into it and you can screw that onto your hookah to convert it to a bong in a matter of seconds. I think i used a 1/4" to 1/2" adapter and 1/2" to 3/4" female hose adapter which all screwed together and screwed right into my hookah.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Haven't done in over a year as my friends' hookah's are now broken. But we used to either just pack a FAT bowl, literally like an 1/8 and we did this on the 4 hose hookah and we'd go 2 hitting other two lighting, then vice versa. This worked well but it was a waste, a lot burned upward as people kept forgetting to cover their hoses so there was less suction, even if we did it seemed like there was a lot just going into the air. When we didn't have that hookah or we had less weed we would just use a normal 1 hose hookah and pack a half bowl of shisha on the bottom, put a nice amount of ground chronic on the shisha, then topped off with just a small amount of shisha on top. The bit on top was cause it would tend to burn so quickly without it. It is a nice mix but mainly IMO just for groups and trying to waste more time. I'd rather just smoke a bowl then smoke a hookah or vice versa.


Well-Known Member
COALS IS A MUST TO have a steady stream of smokes in your lungs ;)

and sure, flavored tobacco and a mixture of fine herb can just invigorate the calming effects of the tobacco...

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
for my second procedure I talked about, the one with the "sandwich" of shisha and chron, we used a coal.

never tried doing just chron and a coal. Would like to know how well it works.
Ive been smoking strictly weed out of my hookah for years and ive nevre used anything but weed in a bowl and a lighter. I dont see the reasoning behind all the extras. Pack it, Light it, Smoke it. Its not supposed to be work.

But thats just my 2 cents!!