Hormones vs Co2 - Hormones Cheaper Potentially Yeild the Same!

You have results dude? Pics for comparaison?

Coming in about 1 week.. base grow is not pictured though... just three guys who know the buds well will judge.... for strength.....
-There is considerable differences already.... in wieght, I had to tie on day 18 of flower... base grow dose not tie at all...
-When I applyed my hormone schedual within 2 weeks of flower they stoped stem and leaf growth and consintrated on bud mass... So I have not gained ANY hight since 14 days
-Bud smells like sweaty socks rather than like sweet wood smell...
-The visible trics seem to be much more consintrated....
-Water & nute consumption was up...
-Pistle stayed `fresh much longer (no tanning).. in other words rather than 2 seperate explosion of pistles it was and has been one consistant growth explosion over the whole period. Its on last 3 weeks of flower and have only just started to change.

Just start by automating parts.. There are circuits on the net that would allow you to put that all together yourself.. CO2 measurement costs alot, and you need to buy pH probes, the rest can be made for quite little..
Just start by automating parts.. There are circuits on the net that would allow you to put that all together yourself.. CO2 measurement costs alot, and you need to buy pH probes, the rest can be made for quite little..

Come check it out... for about 2000 growtronx will give YOU EVERYTHING!
ithink pg 3 of thread above....
Whats the fun in that?? It's oddly somple/cheap to interface with a pc.. Aside from the CO2, a few hundred dollars would cover the actual cost..
Ethylene gas has been in use for a long time.
Most fruit an veg is picked unripe so it doesn't bruise or over ripen during transport.
They then gas it to ripen ready for market.
But I would have assumed these were quite large and expensive operations and beyond any use to us.:bigjoint:
Champ... unfounded statment there, considering our conversations on this thread !
Why is that, I was talking about how the pros use it on a large scale with large enclosed warehouses and huge pumps and cylinders of ethylene, I wasn't aware this technology was available to people like us to use on a small scale.
Your comment makes no sense to me given the context of this thread.
OK then, you can have your thread back.
If It's not possible to use something on a small scale, like we need, then It's completely useless.
You are ignorant and do not read.... we have discussed that in detail and have investigated a few different home made potentials small scale use, even banana skin in a ziplock for seeds.... There are many many ways and types of application for eythlene gas.... if you want to be a dick about it do so I dont have time for wankers... This thread is to discuss the potential uses of hormones and chemicals in which induce or inhibit growth factors...
The fact that a CO2 (propane) genarator are used on most commercial marijuana grows... Eythlene is produced in this process... so there is question on the effects of it.
the potential to use it at the later stage for flower/bud has been discussed.. To potential use it to induce maturity and peak .... Why would you shut down an idea when its clear you have not put any thought into.....
i hate when people chim in when they have not bothered to read the thread.....
He is the sorta guy that probaly has one plant....on his third grow thinks he know all....
I will never know enough and will never stop asking questions.... This is NO ACTUAL science..... there is a great unknown , MJ is a plant that has far less research done on it....
......and any contribution to my yeild through hormones and any other means is welcome...
Thanx proffessor........
i hate when people chim in when they have not bothered to read the thread.....
He is the sorta guy that probaly has one plant....on his third grow thinks he know all....
I will never know enough and will never stop asking questions.... This is NO ACTUAL science..... there is a great unknown , MJ is a plant that has far less research done on it....
......and any contribution to my yeild through hormones and any other means is welcome...
Thanx proffessor........

ill always have questions and be trying new shit... i dont want to toot ma own horn but i reckon i know a thing or too, and can grow maself a good plant.... but like i said ill always have questions.... i think you guys are being too hard on him hes kinda right tho... internet ordering is the only way to get some of these things and i too am dodgy on this :(

also this is one long thread here ya gotta expect people to miss some things....SORRY IF I EVER DO :). but i smoke weed it happens lol

spiked 1 was also going out of his way on your other research only thread to leave you his results remember that..... id be offended if i was him 2.....

but also to eza

dont worry about it there is a point behind this i think theyre good/useful threads... to the right people it could b priceless :) keep up the good work
Your right !
Was in a bad mood yesterday ... Sorry about the carcasim followed by insult!
