Hot boxing...

So when i first started smoking back when i was a teenager , remember we were crazy for hot boxing cars, closets, rooms, lol and even under my blankets would trip us out , i would crash out practicaly anywhere on a chair , even next to my moms dryer :o,and my freaken eyes would burn so bad i had to get outta the smoke ... yea pretty sad now that i think of all that crashing out...BUNK BUSINESS!!!, but damn those were the best highs , now i got a high tolerance , hard to get a hold of that kinda of feeling nowadays.


Active Member
i wish i could hotbox with you under your blankets. just kidding. maybe. but really i agree some of my highest flights were boxing cars in highschool with blunts. I'll never forget my first hotbox was also my first blunt and it was a black n mild of all things, we went to grill carne asada at a park after and we were all so high we ate half cooked pink meat. Still tasted good thoughbongsmilie:eyesmoke:
lol cracked me up!!! Couldnt wait for that meat ey!? lol , i busted a similar move at McDonalds, i love the double cheeseburger meals so i bought one.. outta the drive thru i opened one( damn stoner ) and took a bite , LMAO i was non chalantly, and i said " damn this burger is juicy " :spew::cry: thats because the meat was still red and the juices were from the uncooked meats blood ... EWWWWW... killed my hi and appetite , plus i was one angry bitch when i had to walk my stoned ass in there.... so i always check my burgers n meats before i bite... SICK!

i wish i could hotbox with you under your blankets. just kidding. maybe. but really i agree some of my highest flights were boxing cars in highschool with blunts. I'll never forget my first hotbox was also my first blunt and it was a black n mild of all things, we went to grill carne asada at a park after and we were all so high we ate half cooked pink meat. Still tasted good thoughbongsmilie:eyesmoke:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with a bloody piece of beef whatsoever :)

i simply can't stand hot boxing, i like my oxygen and such!
lol... gotta say EWWWW! to that ! I was at Applebees a couple weeks ago and yup the dinner talk was Y SchmokenMunchiegirl didnt like steak... cus y buy it if people say it tastes best rare and i like my meat well done .Oxygen is nice , but hotboxing is best in the winter when you just aint trying to stink up your house or freeze to death outside . Bad part of hot boxing: Your clothes end up being penetrated by the smell .

nothing wrong with a bloody piece of beef whatsoever :)

i simply can't stand hot boxing, i like my oxygen and such!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lol... gotta say EWWWW! to that ! I was at Applebees a couple weeks ago and yup the dinner talk was Y SchmokenMunchiegirl didnt like steak... cus y buy it if people say it tastes best rare and i like my meat well done .Oxygen is nice , but hotboxing is best in the winter when you just aint trying to stink up your house or freeze to death outside . Bad part of hot boxing: Your clothes end up being penetrated by the smell .
"clothes end up ebing penetrated" hahaha, different idea but we were hotboxing a phone box in a village after we mossied away from a party, there were 3 guys and a girl, old couple, maybe 80's walk up, "oh look honey, they're smoking in therre, i hope you've got your knickers on dear!" :lol:

i i prefere my meat not to bleed across the table, but hey, i'm shit hot with a frying pan, as in i get it too hot, burn the shit outta the outside leaving it raq in the middle. i got used to it. can't use a pan :P learning to oven cook em nowadays
Too funny...kickers , havent heard that one in a while... awe i thought you wouldve caught onto " i like my meat well done" lol ...old people do like to stare when they see that youre just sitting in your car or standing around passing sumthing ... i just smile and wave " hello" :cool:.

"clothes end up ebing penetrated" hahaha, different idea but we were hotboxing a phone box in a village after we mossied away from a party, there were 3 guys and a girl, old couple, maybe 80's walk up, "oh look honey, they're smoking in therre, i hope you've got your knickers on dear!" :lol:

i i prefere my meat not to bleed across the table, but hey, i'm shit hot with a frying pan, as in i get it too hot, burn the shit outta the outside leaving it raq in the middle. i got used to it. can't use a pan :P learning to oven cook em nowadays


Active Member
hot boxing wow that takes me back, remember we use to cram 6 guys into my first small shitty car, and light up 3 joints each... first one to have to break out would have to pay for everybody's munchies. and last man standing wouldn't have to pay for next weeks stash. the good old days. and there is a way to bring hot boxing back and it will fuck you up as much as it use too. just take a couple of really deep breaths before you start the hotbox.. it opens closed folds in your lungs and more oxygen to the brain.

lol and ps 1st rule of munchies never eat anything that can kill you ... death can really ruin your high!!
my car has been out of commision for a while. it's all tagged up and banged up so its just been sitting till i fix it and get my license back. so me and my friends will just sit in there listen to the ipod touch and box that bitch up. :joint:


Well-Known Member
I used to do it all the time one time me n my home boy were sitting in a pick up truck and we had like a gram short of a 1/4 in a blunt and we smoked it down to our finger tips. It got to the point where all we could see was the cherry glowing on the blunt. You could not see your hand an inch in front of your face my eyes stung like fuck couldn't breath and the truck stunk for like a week. Needless to say I was high for like 5 hours straight. Then we smoked another blunt :p


Active Member
on 420 a few years ago we smoked an O in my old '81 vw rabbit, I miss that little car the four speed was so crisp


Well-Known Member
when i was 19, i went outside to get my dog off his chain to bring him in and get him :eyesmoke:

well when i got out their i felt really lazy cuz i had already bongsmilie

i just happen to look at his dog house and said to myself '' fuck it ''

i crawld in that little motherfucker and just started bongsmilie with my legs all jacked up.

i had my dog be side me the whole time..

man i was tore out the frame son....''dog to'''

i stayd in that doghouse for 3 hours chillin and :sleep:

best hot box iv ever been in..but now i just pefer to sit back on my couch

and let the wounderful magics of hemp expand my mind.....:peace:


Active Member
hahaha. not many people on this planet can say they've hot boxed a dog house. 2 and a half gold stars for you!
lmao ... a dog house ? wowzer!! how the heck could someone fit in a dog house ... that must be one big ass dog !! we always try to get into the smallest car we own , faster and better hot box...

hahaha. not many people on this planet can say they've hot boxed a dog house. 2 and a half gold stars for you!


Well-Known Member
We had a car in the ally behind my old house we would always chill and smoke in.Until some assholes had to ruin it and set it on fire on 4th of july.


Well-Known Member
lmao ... a dog house ? wowzer!! how the heck could someone fit in a dog house ... that must be one big ass dog !! we always try to get into the smallest car we own , faster and better hot box...
it was one of those big ones for like german shepards and other big dogs..

i was still cramped though...

but it was an enjoyable experience..:lol:


Well-Known Member
this might be a lil off topic but when you cook meat (steak in particular) you want to get most of your cooking done on the first side cause when you turn it and start cookin the other side, it basically will seal up on the first side you cooked making it harder and take it longer to cook up if you keep flipping it. oh and never smash the beef.
any one ever take a traffic cone and put the big end around your face and have people blow shotguns in the other end? thats pretty fun.