Hot chicks


Pickle Queen
Pffft. Lame. How you gonna look at a photo of someone and say yeah lets fuck, then meet them in person and be like nope!

....Were you drunk before he showed up? Beligerance can be a turn off.


No I was sober, well had a few bongs and 1 drink with him


Staff member
Funny thing about beauty is its different for everyone. While we look at Asians tan yellow skin as exotic and beautiful they think their skin is ugly and find white pasty skin more attractive. According to my wife at least. I like 'em all.
yup everyone has something they wish they looked like from another race View attachment 2528082 if i could look anything like this i would be the happiest girl in the world


Well-Known Member
But men do want fake whores, just last night I had some guy begging me to meet up with him for a drink, I finaly say ok and he picks the place, dude is texting me none stop until I got there...20 mins in he orders his third drink, then excuses himself to use the bathroom, after about 10 mins a waiter comes up and tells me he paid our bill and left??? Like wtf? I kinda felt like he was comparing me with his eyes to our half dressed, puffy haired , makeup caked tart of a waitress and left because I was not trampy enough lol I was not hurt by the rejection but by his actions, like have the balls to tell me ur not into me.... grrrr sorry needed to vent. Sometimes I feel like I should fake myself out then I could attract a certain type of man, but do I really want someone who wants me because of how I look, no fucking way. I sent him a text this morning saying "Thanks for paying the bill" I'll keep my pride karma will bite him in the ass :)
At least he paid the bill before he left. You would have really been pissed if he rejected you AND stuck you with the bill.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sunni, don't you know you HAVE to put out if they buy you something?

I tell my husband that all the time. Betta put out or I ain't buying you nutin. Only reason he was off the hook on valentines day was because he was sick. I got a half hour neck rub and house cleaning instead.

You can bet once he is well he gonna pay what he owe!


Staff member
Sunni, don't you know you HAVE to put out if they buy you something?

I tell my husband that all the time. Betta put out or I ain't buying you nutin. Only reason he was off the hook on valentines day was because he was sick. I got a half hour neck rub and house cleaning instead.

You can bet once he is well he gonna pay what he owe!
wait what???


Well-Known Member
Ya but I told him I was not looking for anything serious b4 hand, only casual dating and that as long as we were both safe and cool sex was possible. I honestly think he was not attracted to me and bailed like a coward, well half coward ;)
Maybe he wanted a serious relationship and thought you were too promiscuous? Or three drinks in rapid succession was too much for him and he puked/pissed/soiled himself?


Well-Known Member
Just imagine life in a Beer commercial, everyone is rich and totally hot, with all kinds of time and money. You get to live life partying on a lake with tons of friends and everyone is so funny...I think I need to get me a 6er and see if that's really going to happen for me, lol


Well-Known Member
This is my type of woman :) and heres one for the hot chicks reading this thread :)image.jpg which reminds me...i better get my ass to the gym :)

