How 6000 watts pulls 7200 grips


Ya but light energy is base on DLI (daily light integral) so its not the light on all day but how much energy the plant gets on average through the hormonal day(light is used to control hormones not just provide energy, that's why 2 spectrum leds don't produce weight). That's why plants in tropical areas grow faster with afternoon showers even though they block the strongest sun, blocking the sun regulates afternoon temps, without causing a dark time hormonal shift the cloud cover allows them to release their....umm the term escapes me but little pores that allow the plant to exchange co2 and o2, and waters them in the middle of their strong DLI (cause their closer to the sun, stronger light).

That's how a light mover is used properly, to drop a 600 right on top of the plants so they get 5xs the suns energery but keep in moving so they don't burn or bleach. Your DLI is larger than the steady light with less damage to the plant. Think lifting weights, you lift and drop, the plant we want to maximize light saturation then drop it so the plant can breath. It sounds arse backwards but it works and the science is sound.


Well-Known Member
I guess im still old school with the thought of 2x 600 will grow more that 1 on a rail but what you have to say is interesting
but if your cooling system is good enough and your stuff is dialed you can have your lights very close with no rail and NOT burn .them I know I do it with 1k all day long and they are pretty damn close to the canopy just my exp