How About A Sticky On The Subject Of Hermaphrodites?


Active Member
Ok, So I am starting to smoke some of the shit I grew, Nirvana Northern Lights Feminised, CFLVeg/600WhpsFlower, and EVERY BUD HAS SEEDS!!

This really, really sucks.

All 5 females budded out like an f-in' High Times spread. Don't get me wrong, it is good bud, a B/B+ grade without the seed condition, and the quantity is great, but the seeds. Dude, that wrecks everything.

Since all the plants were growing buds, I never thought of searching for a branch that went hermy....they all just kept growing buds, so why fuck with them?

This grow was started 3 weeks after moving into my first house, so maybe the pervious owners grew in the same room???? Pollen contamination? Possibly, but I doubt it. I had a fan going.

Anyway I got a shitoad of seeds in my NL, and I have shaken every Mason Jar the shit is stored in, and I can hear seeds rattle around in the jar.

I've thrown a good amount away(seeds), and I hate to, 'cuz I'd really like to keep this sativa around, and maybe scrog some.

What is the consensus? These are all first generation hermie seeds, off five different plants, and I already HAVE them, so......

What would you do? These have got to be better than "bag seeds" you get. Right?


Active Member
Oh, and BTW, I have a clone going in an AreoG, a couple of rooms away...Risks?

What do I have to do to the original grow room to prevent pollination of my next crop? The room has deep carpet. :(


Well-Known Member
How about a sticky on why you shouldn't use femmed seeds?

Everything comes with a price. The supposed *ease* of femmed seeds has it's. Is it worth it?

Grow those seeds and you just get more of the same. Good Luck with that.

BTW, I run a NL variant (not femmed), and have had ZERO problems with hermies. Been running the same strain for over 2 years.



Well-Known Member
I used to love Fem seeds, but it can be risky.... there is always that chance.... nothing left to salvage but some bud.... ditch the seeds or grow some seedy NL outdoors in the woods or something....


Well-Known Member
I'm working 4 strains, looking for ideal mothers, using reg seeds.... pain in ass, but, any fine females will be keepers.

A pain in the ass, but, you won't get bit in the ass.

The effort has its rewards. Like having keeper females from now on.



Active Member
So does that mean I should order regular seeds and roll the dice on a %20 (1-in-5) chance a seed will be a "real" female?


Active Member
I have purchased five seeds and all five were females and I have bought ten and only gotten two....It is what it is...