How aften do you flood your table?


Well-Known Member
i have been flooding my ebb and flow with hydrotin every three 8 times a a certain water height and than it just wondering what everyone else floods like and what are the most effective ways to flood....i have seen that some people flood once an hour and im wondering what is the proper time line used for a system like this?


Well-Known Member
I thought ebb and flows were usually around 3 to 4 times a day but still havent tried a flow grow yet!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I flood mine every three hours during lights on during veg. I'm using clay balls too. I was flooding every two hours during lights on when in flower.


Well-Known Member
Don't flood when the lights are off. The plants use no water in the dark. You can drown the roots that way.


Well-Known Member
What he said ^^^^^^^
no shit eh ive been flooding every three hours light and dark...well theres something ive no ones perfect heres a perfect example....12 weeks and no clue lol...thats guys so what about the intervals when lights are on....what are some effective intervals every hour or every 3???