How am i doing?


Well-Known Member
i forgot how big the fan for the intake have to check, but the average temp is around 75-77.


Well-Known Member
plants aren't doing too good =( i don't know what i did but i need to do something fast to save them! :cry:


Well-Known Member
I had a guy come over that has the mothers and he said they look terrible and I should flower them outside and start new ones.

do these look that bad?



Well-Known Member
what?? they seem fine to me. soon as you flower and start adding bloom they well be fine. sounds like he may want to sell some new ones and make some cash. id leave them as is. see what everyone else says, but i think you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
what?? they seem fine to me. soon as you flower and start adding bloom they well be fine. sounds like he may want to sell some new ones and make some cash. id leave them as is. see what everyone else says, but i think you'll be fine.
Thank you, going to stick it out and flower, i will see if they get greener in a couple of days, hopefully they will. I really don't know what i did wrong but i guess shit happens =P


Well-Known Member
dude... you did nothing wrong. your fine..... f him. throw some bloom in when you flower once or twice a week. start with once a week and then two weeks later.. go twice a week. prove him wrong and then get your clones from someone else next time! and dont smoke him out with your gain either!!!!!


Well-Known Member
dude... you did nothing wrong. your fine..... f him. throw some bloom in when you flower once or twice a week. start with once a week and then two weeks later.. go twice a week. prove him wrong and then get your clones from someone else next time! and dont smoke him out with your gain either!!!!!
Thank you, I will post what kind of nutes I'm giving the plants.


Well-Known Member
water every 3 days, folier a day or two after. Recently gave it the cal mag so it will help it get greener.