how are you supposed to flush soil plants in a grow tent??


Well-Known Member
Never overwater near the end of grow.
Hear me out.
If your glass(pot) of water is half full.. Do you dump a full glass of water to fill it? NOPE, you only need another half glass to fill it
Most people leach the soil for that reason. Overwatering will cause mold to florish.
If some pots are still wet when others are dry, I try to give them small amount of water till the other ones are the same.
DO you understand??

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Don't listen to idiot who said no need to flush in soil..Only reason you would need to flush is if you dont use nutrients, you need to flush them out. I flush my soil plant with xnutrients flushing solution.. You should look into it
wow!No need to call names.

There are different ways to get nutes out a plant^Not just one way!


Well-Known Member
I use tents but I move all my plants to the bathroom to water that I can see a lot of runoff...I mostly water with plain water in organic soil for most of the I just take the plants to the shower and water them down till water is running out of the pots...then when they are done draining and dripping I take them back to the tent...It would be better if my plants didn't have to survive sitting in the bathroom for however long I leave them...I feel like they are kind of skipping some of their light time...I used to be really lazy with it and wait til night time to water them, but I would end up with them still in the BR when the lights went out in the tent...and I ended up with a hermie...early after the lights come on...and I have to make sure nobody turns off the bathroom Anyway it is a hassle, but next to cutting drainage holes in the tent and floors underneath there is just no other way for how I grow---I like a lot of runoff...


Well-Known Member
and I don't water at all unless the pot is on the lighter side...some strains don't want to get like desert dry, but I have one strain that does...she has been flowering for almost 1 month with no water at all...nothing...watered when she first started flowering and the pot still feels like there is some heft to it just a little...and the plant seems I'll leave her dry until the pot dries up totally, or she starts to look like she needs some water.


New Member
what i find funny is how people mention getting nutes out of the plant first off theres no nutes in the plant the nutrients is broken down to a near gas form in the root system plant absorbing what ever it needs like saying you eat a carrot now and in 4 hrs you shit out the carrot ???? doesnt work that way plants / our bodys break down the protiens and absorb it
flushing is only used in cases of massive over abundance of fertilizer .
Flushing should be done as a last resort. It effects osmosis not a good thing right so in reality you feed your plants
what 3 weeks in veg 8 weeks in flower and to think your going to rid the plant of its NPK hahahaha in what 2 weeks
Theres no NPK in there only minor traces but in reality there's Sugar and starches


Well-Known Member
Actually there's 2 main reasons you would want to flush in soil.

1: If your plants are getting "burned" by too much fertilizer in the soil.
2: At the end of the plants life cycle you want to remove all traces of artificial fertilizer so your bud doesn't taste like it.

That being said, there's really no way to do it without removing it from the tent. You're kind of going to have to bite the bullet on this one unless you like water all over your tent.
you are corect on all but the flushing before harvest u get better bud by just letting them use up the nutrients All ready in the soil and just give them plane water till harvest,I stop feeding mine 2 and a half weeks from harvest but I all ways let then go in till the green almost reaches the bud


Well-Known Member
Yo, this might seem a stupid question but how can you properley flush soil pots in a tent? The water will just go everywhere and make a right mess...surely there is an easy and clean way to do this without having to remove the plants from the tent and fucking up their light cycle? The nearest I get to actually flushing mine is just watering with plain phd water and the water will sit in the saucer under the pot and be reabsorbed by the plant anyway, so not really flushing at all is it...
Lucky for me I got a ok size Closet, I put white fiber class sheets on the floor if my grow room and 1ft up the wall,Sealed It up and put put a drain in the flood and connected that to the rest of my drain pipes,i keep every very clean and keep drain covered up


Well-Known Member
Use (2) 5 gallon buckets and a circular tray big enough for your plant. Your tray will need a spout cut out of the side so that the water can drain. Place one 5 gallon bucket upside down and set your plant with the modified tray on top of this bucket. Now take the other 5 gallon bucket and place it underneath the spout in your tray. Flush with 5 gallons of water at a time. Dump your waste bucket down the garbage disposal or whatever.


Well-Known Member
Actually there's 2 main reasons you would want to flush in soil.

1: If your plants are getting "burned" by too much fertili
zer in the soil.
2: At the end of the plants life cycle you want to remove all traces of artificial fertilizer so your bud doesn't taste like i

That being said, there's really no way to do it without removing it from the tent. You're kind of going to have to bite the bullet on this one unless you like water all over your tent.
Actually there's 2 main reasons you would want to flush in soil.

1: If your plants are getting "burned" by too much fertilizer in the soil.
2: At the end of the plants life cycle you want to remove all traces of artificial fertilizer so your bud doesn't taste like it.

That being said, there's really no way to do it without removing it from the tent. You're kind of going to have to bite the bullet on this one unless you like water all over your tent.

You don't have to remove them from the tent and the problem is easily solved. I just use a shower base as my floor, up on blocks. Whenever I feed the run off is collected in a tank under the drain hole.