How bad did I mess up my dry/cure?

Slow and steady. Get a humidifier in the room, not the dry tent itself please, and get RH up to about 70 at least to start. Lower it slowly to 60 over the course of at least 10 days preferably 14. Take off the large fan leaves at the beginning and trim the small unsugared leaves if you want, but you can leave them until after the dry. If you can’t take your dry time to at least a week you’re drying them way too quickly.
You think you do.

I know i do - check my join date then assume ive learnt and discussed these subjects with greater members than you and the trolls who disbelieve at present.

Assume boveda was just an idea in a noobs head when i was giving advice and pushing forth the knowledge here.

Wtf are you to tell me - just go learn like anyone did here pre led boveda times.

Nah you trolled these boards so hard most are confused but not i.

You disbelieve the basic hang dry then overcomplicate everything - No wonder i had to step in on the harvesting forum as your kind is killing members bud with hay smells and mold thinking because you read boveda info you know more than i do.

So many times you and others have tried to troll me down but you cant as im right and your confused.

How does it feel for a hobby small tent grower to cut right through your bs and have clear scientific factual answers you only wish you knew.

It seems we have to resort to ego because your seriously missing the wealth of info here and ruining what was for a lame ass industry that is still trying to learn from us real growers who been here long before.

Slow and steady. Get a humidifier in the room, not the dry tent itself please, and get RH up to about 70 at least to start. Lower it slowly to 60 over the course of at least 10 days preferably 14. Take off the large fan leaves at the beginning and trim the small unsugared leaves if you want, but you can leave them until after the dry. If you can’t take your dry time to at least a week you’re drying them way too quickly.
I like a bag after a week, do you go 10 to 14 then to jars?
For the record bunny, I’ve been growing before this site existed. I’ve made my millions, have you real grower?
When you write and pass on the knowledge im sure ill care a little more than zilcho - Until then it all sounds egotistical.

I however pass on the knowledge.... and put exacting figures and facts to it unlike you and boveda. Shit even i find what i write a hundred times more factual and interesting than you and the industry.

Heres a recent thread where i fly my knowledge right in yoyr face, maybe troll less be knowledgable more (since apparently you spent so.much time growing)-

If you have to question stuff thats your lack of intelligence not mine as i can work it out without the need to question due to experience here and growing.

Now one of us is gona look real thick and the other just posted yet another load of factual knowledhe in a thread... Hmmmm which one am i again duh :-)

For the record bunny, I’ve been growing before this site existed. I’ve made my millions, have you real grower?
And now for the op - plssibly in the six day dry on the plant and four hanging you managed to dry and get some taste through - i wouldnt have jarred because obviously as you describe on the jar moisture wet the drier parts and so could hang a few more days.

Hopefully it does work out and have a go at hanging till ready next time and see if any differences can be had.

If it goes crap tasting and smelling rehang see if cant be saved.

I like a bag after a week, do you go 10 to 14 then to jars?

Ya I have not mastered it, I just know from my first grow that 5 days isn’t enough even if you finish in the right RH range. I have been using the Boveda packs in jars once I get the buds to about 61RH. Idk but bud acts different here in Alberta, maybe cause it’s really dry, but I find my bud is still moist ;) at ~63RH. Don’t really think I need the packs, I’ll probably try without next harvest and just burp and buy those tiny RH monitors for each jar. I find my buds settle closer to about 59RH when all is said and done.

Have a read :-)

Ya I have not mastered it, I just know my first grow that 5 days isn’t enough even if you finish in the right RH range. I have been using the Boveda packs in jars once I get the buds to about 61RH. Idk but bud acts different here in Alberta, maybe cause it’s really dry, but I find my bud is still moist ;) at ~63RH. Don’t really think I need the packs, I’ll probably try without next harvest and just burp and buy those tiny RH monitors for each jar. I find my buds settle closer to about 59RH when all is said and done.

Have a read :-)

Commercial growers know a bud is dry by it’s moisture content (different from RH but we can’t really tell moisture content without a machine). Could you be a little more specific what you want me to comprehend though please? I read it all.

And don’t go around calling people egotistical, we’re all here just trying to help fellow growers with our experiences, no one is claiming to be a master grower.
How much more helpfull could i be...

You know its dry and lost enough moisture because it burns well in a joint or bong, im pretty sure commercial growers just smoke some and know at what stage its at too.

Once its dry you just leave hanging and keep sampling and the real taste and smell will develop.

Zero to do with humidity boveda or jarring which i guess is more what your hoping for and struggling over my bad and sorry :-)

Commercial growers know a bud is dry by it’s moisture content (different from RH but we can’t really tell moisture content without a machine). Could you be a little more specific what you want me to comprehend though please? I read it all.

And don’t go around calling people egotistical, we’re all here just trying to help fellow growers with our experiences, no one is claiming to be a master grower.
How much more helpfull could i be...

You know its dry and lost enough moisture because it burns well in a joint or bong, im pretty sure commercial growers just smoke some and know at what stage its at too.

Once its dry you just leave hanging and keep sampling and the real taste and smell will develop.

Zero to do with humidity boveda or jarring which i guess is more what your hoping for and struggling over my bad and sorry :-)

No they absolutely do not. I have worked in two different commercial grows and no one, I mean no one, lights ANYTHING up even close to the property. Maybe in ‘Merica.

I’m still confused the point you’re trying to jam at me. If you tell someone to dry their buds until they’re as dry as they want them to smoke, no one is going to do it right, that’s a fact.
Lol, I’ll take that as a no.

So i we have bud moisture, equilibrium moisture to describe humidities effects, a range of pretty accurate numbers figures and timings and we know when bud is dry because we can simply attempt to smoke some and check.

Add to this we can accurately describe enzmatic degredation of chlorophyll and development of taste and smell through out the drying process.

And an ancient knowledge that almost all human indoor habitable levels that bring us extended comfort also work well for growing and drying...

Ya i guess some of us mastered the art of drying along with the science and now teach you generalky :-)
Above 10-15% moisture bud dont smoke or very well and thus we are all going to reach the same level by simply smoking some. Others have bough moisture meters and verified this fact.

Still final moisture content is a factor of environment - desert weed is drier than my welsh weed but it all smokes and does the same thing.

But thats not the real kicker - were gona hang waaaay past what is dry because dried bud needs a few days to a week for its flavour to develop from that harsh fresh to smooth dank as well as the smell. This is because of enzymatic processe which take longer than just drying.

After two weeks drying bud is dank as its gona be, got taste flavour and burns well.... Voila it can sell or be thrown in a jar or whatever you fancy doing.

Have you actually hung weed long enough to know how flavour and smell happens, its a basic method all pros know and produces top weed no one can dispute? :-)

No they absolutely do not. I have worked in two different commercial grows and no one, I mean no one, lights ANYTHING up even close to the property. Maybe in ‘Merica.

I’m still confused the point you’re trying to jam at me. If you tell someone to dry their buds until they’re as dry as they want them to smoke, no one is going to do it right, that’s a fact.
Above 10-15% moisture bud dont smoke or very well and thus we are all going to reach the same level by simply smoking some. Others have bough moisture meters and verified this fact.

Still final moisture content is a factor of environment - desert weed is drier than my welsh weed but it all smokes and does the same thing.

But thats not the real kicker - were gona hang waaaay past what is dry because dried bud needs a few days to a week for its flavour to develop from that harsh fresh to smooth dank as well as the smell. This is because of enzymatic processe which take longer than just drying.

After two weeks drying bud is dank as its gona be, got taste flavour and burns well.... Voila it can sell or be thrown in a jar or whatever you fancy doing.

Have you actually hung weed long enough to know how flavour and smell happens, its a basic method all pros know and produces top weed no one can dispute? :-)

Ya, like I said earlier, I aim for 14 days...

Hanging past that isn’t going to get you anything a jar won’t unless you’re trying to dry in a humid room. I live in a city with humitity regularly at <20% so it’s very hard to keep them hanging longer than a week without extra equipment.

And if you actually read my posts you would’ve read I don’t think I need those Boveda packs.

lol, but it appears you have not mastered the art of making bank. Dude, seriously, you need to get a wife or somebody who you can impress because you are failing here.

Trying to act like a big shot by pointing out your twitter age = Fail
Trying to act like you are gods gift to growing knowledge = Fail
Trying to be a decent guy and not a prick = Fail