how bad did i screw up?


Active Member
i messed up pretty bad............i had some mint clones full of vigor and they were thriving until i messed up and turned the lights off for 18hours and on for 6 for a week while i went outa town to work. I i also over watered once in this time so it stunted them into bud. I turned the lights back to the right sched but nothing happend for like 3 weeks........they grew slightly so i put them to 12/12 yesterday. Will they ever be to full potential or are they destend to be half ass ok


This is typical, you took them out of flower and put them back into veg, can take up to 6 weeks to see any growth at all.
They should be fine, slight chance of hermie, but you let them grow before they went back into the flower cycle, so it should be ok, no promises


New Member
Well, no offense but you should have posted before you went to 12/12. Anyway, they should be ok but your yield is gonna be a lot smaller then you hoped probably. And as was stated watch for hermies. You are probably thinking about going back to 18/6. That will certainly cause more stress and lengthen your vegging time. If you do this again, watch for hermies. Cannabis is rsilient, but that's a lot of stress. Good Luck! And Happy Holidays!


Well-Known Member
......I i also over watered once in this time so it stunted them into bud.
Overwatering has no effect on "stunting" into bud. Watering has no effect on photoperiod. I'm not sure if you made a mistake in your typing but it seems as though you think that your overwatering had some effect on their maturity cycles.

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
rofl... pretty bad bro, imagine if you went and had some plants flowering outdoors for a week and they just began to bloom something fierce, then brought them indoors... the plant is gonna be pissed and stressed. to the point of popping some nanners i would believe(going hermie) but some strains take this shock better than others.