How bad, if at all, am i screwing this up?


Active Member
I've had a plant outside for some time now, its about 5 weeks into flower and seems to be doing nicely, but was wondering if what I'm doing it is preventing it from what it could be..

My problem is heavy morning dew and not the greatest spot for sunlight.

My solution is to bring it in at around 3:00pm. I keep lights of all different spectrums on it till 7:30pm. 12dark. 7:30. either put it outside right away, or turn on all ddifferent lights n go back to sleep for a half hour, put em outside until 3.

Is this bad for it? or the correct thing to do as it gets more hours of direct light, and no morning dew/streetlight affecting it?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a lot of work you we t as much natural light on it as possible IMO but the dew will only lead to bud rot if that is an issue you are battling then yeah keep up with that routine I have mine inside now it's way to humid for my liking where I'm at and lready had some rott but I'm lazy and forget about them they are getting less than 12 hours of light I'm just going to keep the, in pure darkness and stop watering them start the drying process... If you can keep up with it go for it IMO


Active Member
yeah, its not the easiest process thats for sure. It gets about 7 hours outdoors and 5 inside, i just need to know that that's alright for it :S. It's definitely getting colder and it should start raining all the time i might have to bring it completely inside. Definitely a late blooming strain.


Well-Known Member
i never liked the idea of bring plants in and out.. esp if you plan on growing inside over winter, bugs manage to find their way in and set up shop for their buffet


Active Member
it doesn't come in where i would grow if i grow in the winter, that being said, I haven't had any problems with bugs whatsoever