How can God be perfect

If we are made in Gods image and we are fucked up than how can God have no part of him that is fucked up

I mean quite frankly human beings are the most fucked up species on this planet.


Well-Known Member
I mean quite frankly human beings are the most fucked up species on this planet.
Depends on faith and your perception of god.. that being said, it has always made me wonder why there are sadistic and cruel human beings, but not animals.. it is clear there are two very seperate sides to the Human race, Good and Evil.


Well-Known Member
Made in his image, but he did not make us each individual gods. I believe we are here to experience good and evil for a reason. I mean how else would we fully understand good without experiencing the evil. Life is just a scratch on the surface of our development. we are only children in gods eyes, learning as we go. who knows how long the journey is, but life on earth is only step one.
I personally have better things to think about, but I am curious who informed you or where you read that GOD (if such a thing exists) is perfect? Cause it seems like he was on a bad hang over, recovering from the divorce of his 3rd wife, and taking a dump when the thought of "creation" crossed his mind!

BUT THEN HE CREATED he's cool in my book! lol

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i hate questions like this, as the very question is asuming a god exists , its on the same level as talking about the eating habbits, of my three headed ,purple unicorn .