How can i increase the yeild?

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member

I am wondering how can i increase the yeild of my plants? If you can help me it will be alot of help.

:leaf:Carribean blue:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Plant more plants . Use good nutes . Use LST, (low stress training)
As my friend Korvette says, LST, slowly bends the plant over exposing inner buds and promotes more growth near the stem....FAQ,,,marijuana growing techn.......
check pruning, topping and Low Stress Training...........I've topped 1. going to LST 1, and leave 2 normal...a small experiment....I like to check out the differences..


Well-Known Member
It's basically tying and training the plant early to bend it down at the top...It has many advantages...more yield, takes less space & one good one, it keeps a low profile, and away from curious eyes...You bend it down and you can sculpt the shape...
fdd mentioned the most crucial factor....LIGHT.....really man read FAQ.....every time you do it makes more sense...take that and others opinions and take the best from both....
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