how can i stabilize the ph in my nutrient mix?


Active Member
i currently grow in soil. i like to mix about 15 gallons of nutrients at once so i have it ready when its time to water. i keep a pump in the mix to keep it churning. the problem i am having is that once i mix all my nutrients and set the ph to 6.3 it rises to about 7.5 the next day. is there a product that will lock or stabilize the ph of the nutrients once the desired ph is achieved. i am using several of the advanced nutrients organic nutrients. i am very happy with the results i am getting. everything is healthy and growing i just dont want to constantly have to add ph down. any advice appreciated. i forgot to mention i do start with reverse osmosis water


Well-Known Member
If you consider that sitting water full of nutrients contains most of what is needed for bacteria, mould and fungi to grow, you can see why it might be a bad idea to premix nutrient solution.

You can lower your PH with a PH solution.

You can flush out over-fertilized soils by applying 3-5x the amount of potting medium in pure, filtered water. This might also help your PH.

Hope this helps, cheers,


Active Member
i guess i could only mix what i need however its very inconvenient. it also makes me think that if my nutrient solution is raising daily its also rising in the soil once i water. i am realy not to concerned about algae and fung in the nutrient solution. if this was a major concern then hydroponic growers would be plagued with problems in there reservoir. essential i am trying to find buffers that could help stabilize the ph from rising. i have alot of experience with fish keeping and there are several things you can add to water to stabilize ph i just dont know how safe they are for plants


Well-Known Member
tha plants are taking in the water so you dont really have to worry bout it rising too much after you water them and if your gunna premix it then Ph it right before you feed them otherwise there is no reason to Ph it while its just sitting!!


Well-Known Member
and set the ph to 6.3
growing in soil, if you pH below 6.5 you will eventually cause more harm than good.
Mix the nutes as you need them, if you want to feel more hands on, then aerate your water for 24 hours with an air pump & stone.

Unless your tap water is below 6.5 pH, there is no need to adjust it, soil buffer's the water just fine & has a much harder time buffering up than down.


Active Member
thank you for the responces. i have to use reverse osmosis water. the tap water in my area is so alkaline they call it liquid rock. if i water my house plants with it for to long they die from all the salts and minerals in the water. reverse osmosis water has literaly no buffers what so ever. most tap water does i just cant use mine. this is why i believe i am seeing such swings. my pure reverse osmosis water ph measures 8.2. once i add nutrients it reads about 5.0. i then add ph up to get it around 6.4 ish. if i let it churn for a day it quickly rises to to 8.0 again. this is why i think i need to add a buffer to the water to help stabilize the initial water. i do realize that soil helps stabilize the water i am just concerned that without initial buffers there might be problems. i will say that my ladys are kickn ass and out of control. i am some what of a perfectionist and always looking for ways to improve


I thought I read somewhere hard water can cause the ph to go back up like this. By no means am I sure, maybe someone with more knowledge can comment.