how can you tell if your plant has matured??


Active Member
the branches on my plant no longer come out of the stem at the same point of each side its like a ladder now. does this mean im gunna be able to determine its sex soon, im growing outdoor. when do outdoor plants usually start and end flowering


Active Member
Yes, that is a sign of maturity and you will see pre-flowers soon. Do some research to tell which is which. Flowering is dependent on the strain and your latitude, could vary greatly - but is in the fall.


Active Member
i ave grown before but it was just 1 plant kinda messin around and i got lucky with a fem. so i know the pre flowers thanks for the help i just didnt know when id be able to tell


Yeah, I figured either that or herm.... It's my first one, but luckily I've got another one... Only one but hopefully it's a female. Thanks for the view and the knowledge.


That I certainly won't deny, but hey, rookies always make the big ones. But hey, it doesn't look too bad for my first one right?