How close am I....?

Hello all...I am 10 1/2 weeks into flowering this unknown strain, they have been under HPS 12/12 and actually flowering for 9 1/2 weeks, she is getting very light Tiger Bloom and molasses and the PH is perfect, the tri's are still clear, I see some red hairs, she has lost most of her fan leaves, I'm a little apprehensive and not sure as this is my first grow.....any experienced advise would be appreciated.


bud bootlegger
you've still got a good 3 weeks or so on them easily imo.. still lots of pistils that haven't receded yet, which tells me they're not near ready yet..


Active Member
they look pretty good Sativa dominant i'd guess
you have at least a couple of more weeks maybe 3 or 4 some plants flower for 12 weeks
I viewed a bud of some really good smoke which is awesome, I guess your right, they aren't ready. They have been flowering what seems like forever. But, your right, the hairs are not withdrawn yet. They are sooo freaking fat and heavy, I can't wait. Don't want to screw up all my hard work, but they have been flowering since June 1st, that seems like a long time, but they do look saliva, whatever that mean, other than long narrow leaves


bud bootlegger
you're right, you don't want to screw up now and chop them down early, i did that once and will never forgive myself.. all that hard work flushed down the drain as they were no where near as potent as they would have been had i waited..
give me a second, and i'll try and find a pix of bud that's ready to come down.. brb...