How Cold Can It Be Before I Harvest?


I have a plant outside that just amazingly sprouted from a seed that we chucked in there one day, its turned out quite nice but it was really too late to be starting so it's not ready to harvest yet but it is getting really cold here now, the frosts are really nearly here. I am just wondering what will happen if its out there when it's frosty? Can I do anything to hurry it along? Don't want to waste it completely


Well-Known Member
It depends on the strain but most lock out P-K under 60°F which is the threshold. The leaves would start turning purple (like the strain) then black, then death. I'd let her until that minimum was reached and harvest whatever she gives.


Active Member
can the temperature fall below 60F during the night or does that apply to day time temperatures? just wondering when i should start planting. its cold up here in canada.


Well-Known Member
I'm an indoor grower so i don't don't anything about seasons nevertheless I can tell you about the temps. Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50’s will cause mild shock and 40’s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor.


Active Member
If you are really worried, my friend gave me some advice to cover your plants with a plastic bag at night. This way all the heat will remain encapsulated, the day shouldn't be much of a problem. Hope this helps :)


Active Member
I'm an indoor grower so i don't don't anything about seasons nevertheless I can tell you about the temps. Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50’s will cause mild shock and 40’s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor.
Nothing about this post is true or relevant. Except that you grow indoors.

I live in Alaska and grow in very cold temps at times. 40s absoluty will not cause death. Below 32 will not cause death. From what i have learned the plants are fine even below 32 as long as they dont get frost on their leaves. They dont mind the cold just hate frost. Protect them from that and they are happy. I grow with organocs only and never get purpling anymore. I dont know why. But nutrient lock out at the lower temps seems like a myth. I have never witnessed it. Even with low plants are lucky if they ever see 65. Slower growth maybe. I also believe the OP has planted directly in the ground.

OP covering the plant may help a bunch.


Well-Known Member
so you grow in alaska @ 32F I definitely want to see that to know if something in your post is actually true or relevant. Maybe you're not talking about cannabis.
Guess someone got a lil offended. Im very worried about frost too in my outdoor grow I hope the whole purple to black studff isnt true becausd my outdoor chemberry is a beautiful purple id like to think its not going to keel over and die any second lol


Well-Known Member
If you are really worried, my friend gave me some advice to cover your plants with a plastic bag at night. This way all the heat will remain encapsulated, the day shouldn't be much of a problem. Hope this helps :)
we didn't think you were supposed to cover a plant with a plastic bag :weed: we have Madonna outside 2 weeks into flower and doing well, but then again we are in fla