How did you start tokin


Active Member
I remember the first time i let that sweet sweet smoke pass my lips:bigjoint:. I was 12 years old and my brother always told me "If you ever want to try weed come to me first" so one afternoon thats what I did. It was my friend Bobby's first time too so i wasnt the only one new to the experience. I told my brother i wanted to try it and within an hour we got a gram of headies. We smoked out of a water bottle bong and i'll never forget how hard i coughed hahahabongsmilie. Five years later and I'm still blowin smoke:weed:. I know i'll never forget my first time, what about you?


Well-Known Member
I will never forget my first time....NOT a good memory. I was deathly ill after doing chemo...I remember laying in the bed with my sister and just feeling like I wanted to die. I remember thinking it wasn't worth living. Then my husband came home from work, still in his police uniform, and he sat down and pulled out a baggie and a new metal bowl with a pack of screens. No words were spoken, he filled me a bowl and kissed me on my forehead and walked out of the room. My sister and I smoked the bowl and I finally fell asleep....


Well-Known Member
My first time was when I was 11, with my brother who was like 14. I didnt get high. Never did it again until grade I was 15 then its been almost everyday since then.


Well-Known Member
I was in grade 6 or 7 and faked sick that day. My brother had a couple friends over and they were gonna blaze and he said something like "you wanna smoke some weed?" and I was like "okay" so as not to seem to eager. I don't know if I got high my first time. Next time I stayed home I did though. It was like that thourhg grade 8. I'd blaze with my brother and his friends whenever I stayed home from school.


Well-Known Member
i was 11, on the codeine all day a friend had a bag asked if i wanted in i said yeah....been rollin ever since...


Active Member
Ok soo this is my story of the first time smoking : Me and my cuzin will were down at my grandmas house and ouur friend justin who lives in new york was down for christmas break soo we were thinking of things to do earlier a couple weeks before we me this guy who lived on a street that we talked to and we found out he smoked soo me my cuzin and justin were talking about going up to him and asking him for bud we all were being bitches about it but we finnaly ask and he sed yes he gave us a gram of some real good shit i think it was haze or dro anywayz we get back to my grandmas house and i made a crappy as water bong so after i made that we went to the golf playing area and we started smokin first 2 hits i take im like fuck im not even high on my 4th hit i start to get really fucked up like saying random shit and everything to me was alot brighter a cartoon like sooo while im fucked up for the first time we find out we have to go to christmas dinner soo were like fuckkkk there gunna kno our eyes are badd but wills dad that would kno right away was high out of his mind on crack sooo we were all good the first time was my best high for sure because i couldnt stop being happy and like i sed i felt like i was in a cartoon


Well-Known Member
I was 16 at High school ... Thought nothing of weed before... gave it a try... first time i really didnt get high... second time at girl friens house i thought i was going to die! oh the memories of high school and the teen life haaaaahahahahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
I was about 17 and all of my friends were starting to smoke, but I wasn't into it yet.
It took me a few years but finally one night after finishing a ton of vodka, I was offered a bong of haze.
Hell, I couldn't refuse!
I passed the fuck out that night.


Active Member
I was like 12, and my brother had like 4 mates round, he called me into his room and passed me a joint.

I've never stopped since...


Well-Known Member
First time? I was in college. Someone passed me a carved stone pipe at the fraternity house. I had no idea what I was doing. And I was mildly confused because I had only heard about joints. I'm sure I slobbered it up good for the next person in the circle.

And yeah, I'm one of those people who experienced no measurable effects the first time. Intense dreams are all I can recall.


Well-Known Member
i was 17 and i knew some of my buddies started doing it. so i met up with them but they didnt have any. we went to our friends place up the street and we baught a gram off him lol btween three of us. we were like fuck

so my bud jay pulled out a pipe he made from a pen haha and we did like three each. we started walking to the movies but when we got there it was midnight so we tried to get more off a girl i know but she didnt have any so we chilled the rest of the night