How Do/Did You Speak to Your Parents?


Well-Known Member
Why did is my post gone???What did I say so bad? do mods delete things like I told my dad to go fuck himself and shove his letter up his ass in court last time we talked...the last time ever.

I said good things about Mom.
dunno, i do know one of the t&t mods is a total dousche but i havent seen that turd in a while..


Well-Known Member
But the thread asked how we talk to our when my Dad commited fraud and sued me...I said " go back to the desert you snake"...then told him to shove a letter up his ass an go fuck himself.
I talked good about


Well-Known Member
What I mean by this, do/did you speak to them like you would a friend, a teacher, a sibling?

Show more respect? Is most of it casual "hi, how was your day?" "my stupid friend did _____, it was hilarious!", do you get into very deep conversations? How long do they last, a minute, 5 minutes? Have you ever had a conversation, 1 on 1 with one of your parents last longer than 30 minutes or an hour? What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?
Well... I don't talk to my dad. And haven't really since I was like 13. But my mom...Sometimes our conversations are as if she is a friend, sometimes as if she is a sibling, sometimes as if she is a parent, sometimes as if she is a child and sometimes as if she is a spouse. She never really "grew up". But why should she? :)
Yeah we used to get into deep conversations...Now she's going through a bunch of bullshit and just yells all the time...
One time I asked what she was trying to do when she raised me... We've talked about of other stuff too, she was pretty open with us our whole childhood :-|
But I love her:hug:


Well-Known Member
Don't mind at all. I'm not really sure to be honest, I'm in a weird sort of transitional stage in my life, realizing my age, the age of my family members and their health. My dad's smoked for damn near 35-36 years, is about to turn 55, is overweight, eats like shit and gets no exercise. Been realizing he's not going to be around forever and how much he as a person and what he's taught me as his son means to me. Not really problems between us, just circumstantial economic and financial events neither of us really have control over (we do but to change them it would require an unrealistic sequence of events he feels he's too old to change now) that lead to frequent bouts of depression. I feel like I can deal with that better than he can because I'm on the internet all the time reading about the world, this shit is affecting everyone, not just my family, and I think he feels like he's failed his family when it's actually the world, the system that's failed. It's a tough cycle, nobody expects their life to turn out like this.
I ran the gambit with my dad was lucky to be friends at the end. Mom died when I was very young so don't even remember her much. Never got along with the sister she was much older then me. She passed away a couple years back. I tell you it's strange to wake up and be the last one of your family alive. Well I was headed somewhere with this but not sure where.


Well-Known Member
What I mean by this, do/did you speak to them like you would a friend, a teacher, a sibling?

Show more respect? Is most of it casual "hi, how was your day?" "my stupid friend did _____, it was hilarious!", do you get into very deep conversations? How long do they last, a minute, 5 minutes? Have you ever had a conversation, 1 on 1 with one of your parents last longer than 30 minutes or an hour? What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?
When I talk to my parents I speak to them both as a friend and a mentor. I speak to them very casually, and can tell them pretty much anything. They make not like what I say at times, but most of the time they are just happy I am honest about pretty much everything. I can definitely talk to my mom a lot easier, I have talked to her for 30+ minutes everyday during the morning while I make breakfast for the majority of my life. Most of these conversations weren't deep however, some were. I'm really happy I can tell my parents anything, and they have a mutual respect towards me where I'm not only their son, but one of their best friends.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Are you going to speak to a baby like you would an adult?
I talk to babies as human beings and not babies, they may not understand but they don't understand the gibberish people use either and why set them back in their development by making them think that that is how they should make noises..?


Well-Known Member
I talk to babies as human beings and not babies, they may not understand but they don't understand the gibberish people use either and why set them back in their development by making them think that that is how they should make noises..?
I like to baby talk to adults all gibberish ...maybe a goochie goo on the chin...just to see their reaction.....then I usually have to duck and run though.


Well-Known Member
never got along, they always prosumed the world went their way and if you didnt follow you were a failure. i yelled at my parents gave them a hard time, wish i had done it a whole lot sooner


Well-Known Member
At different times in my life I have had all forms of relationships with my folks. Young; uncontested love teen ; outright disdain young adult; slow to the truth of what I am up to. Man; utter respect I have two amazing adults to call friends and teachers.
It truly took years for me to level with them . Medical cannabis helps ease the stress growing a federally illegal plant causes.
I speak for hours to my mother and father it sometimes makes me judge them. And sometimes I get judged . Then I think we all kinda remember that we love each other so no mistake or ploy can break our bonds my family is constant that is somthing to build by forgiving over anover...
What I mean by this, do/did you speak to them like you would a friend, a teacher, a sibling?

Show more respect? Is most of it casual "hi, how was your day?" "my stupid friend did _____, it was hilarious!", do you get into very deep conversations? How long do they last, a minute, 5 minutes? Have you ever had a conversation, 1 on 1 with one of your parents last longer than 30 minutes or an hour? What did you talk about? How did it make you feel?


Well-Known Member
I interact with both my parents great. As I've gotten older I've started to realize they won't be here for ever. So the last couple years I've made efforts to see them more. My mom is usually who the deep conversations involve and me and my dad just bullshit about nothing for hours. My parents were very "Go ahead touch the stove see what happens" kind of parents growing up and let me figure most things out for myself, including drugs which they both did their fair share of. Now its not uncommon for us to have a session together every now and then. Those 2 people have helped me through the dark days countless times. I'm very lucky.


RIU Bulldog
My mom raised to say 'yes sir' and 'no sir' to everyone. To this day I don't feel comfortable cursing around my mother.


Well-Known Member
My parents are extremely temperamental. They will be sweet one moment and totally flip out the next. My dad keeps himself to himself so I don't talk to him much to avoid making him annoyed. My mama can be childish and I will just chat to her like she is my friend at school. But can instantly switch and become a dictator, in which case I can either give as good as I get or cower. I tend to regard all people with the same level of respect and always 'chatted' with people older than me. I know not to raise my voice or swear at my parents though. If they start screaming at me and there is no doubt I'm in the right I will yell the truth to get my point across if need be.

For the most part I have to be very careful with my tone of voice. My mama especially likes to read into it and asks if I'm giving her attitude. We talk about clothes and her boyfriend and what is on tv but I am very very careful about crossing the line and pissing her off.


Well-Known Member
My parents are extremely temperamental. They will be sweet one moment and totally flip out the next. My dad keeps himself to himself so I don't talk to him much to avoid making him annoyed. My mama can be childish and I will just chat to her like she is my friend at school. But can instantly switch and become a dictator, in which case I can either give as good as I get or cower. I tend to regard all people with the same level of respect and always 'chatted' with people older than me. I know not to raise my voice or swear at my parents though. If they start screaming at me and there is no doubt I'm in the right I will yell the truth to get my point across if need be.

For the most part I have to be very careful with my tone of voice. My mama especially likes to read into it and asks if I'm giving her attitude. We talk about clothes and her boyfriend and what is on tv but I am very very careful about crossing the line and pissing her off.
This sounds like my parents.
Except that line has been shattered by my time in jail, my mom's honesty with us and bipolar swings, and my sisters overwhelming attitude...

And instead of "Avoiding (annoying) my dad" it's my step dad, and he doesn't keep to himself, he likes to start shit, get everyone mad...THEN keep to himself :) But now he lives in a another statee with his new girl, WHILE HE'S STILL MARRIED. And left his kids for me to take care of with my mom...
My sister makes it easier now that she's here though...


Well-Known Member
In my younger years I talked to them like a son would. Gave them grief being a smartass when I reached puberty, grew out of that phase. When I was an adult on on my own I talked to them like friends but didn't get into my private personal details...although my mom was never afraid to express approval or disapproval on some of my life choices. That's cool, she spoke her mind even though I didn't agree with everything she said, she did it out of love.

Both my parents died over the last 5 years, and both were headed downhill fast. Mom died after numerous strokes, my Dad lost most of his vision and was in a senior care home, and developed dementia pretty quickly. But we had some talks where he revealed a side of himself he never did before Mom died. Told me about his youthful misadventures and his history with women and related escapades. And told me how much he appreciated me looking after him and taking care of his affairs.

I was pretty lucky to have the parents I did. They even conceded that the music I listened to as a kid/young adult that they said was too loud and a lot of racket was actually pretty good. Told me that they were raised in a different musical climate and time and that over the years, they realized good music was good music


I randomly landed in here somehow, and ended up reading all of these posts. I can relate to a lot of your comments. I had a large family when I was young and over my 28 years have watched it dwindle to a few. I currently have a good relationship with both my parents, Took some growing up on my part. Mater Familia was the greatest, almost story book mom with the way she ran a household, except she keeps it real in a serious convo. No June Cleaver fakery. My dad was awesome when I was younger but worked out of town a lot for a few very important years of my life (13-18) Parents divorced @ 12. I developed an extremely hard head, became rebellious, and had very reckless lifestyle which caused much worry for both parents.(with good reason) . I can talk with my mom about things, current events, people, she is more able to reciprocate in bi directional communication. My dad, I spend more time listening to. I love him, but he talks about things and doesn't really ask much or seem to take in all of what I say, so I just let him talk. I know he won't be around forever so I visit him, but I think it's only because I feel obligated too. I guess I've never said that to anyone. I miss the memories of our past relationship. He pretty much just annoys me because its always the same things, same convo. He is 60 and set in his ways and not much is going to really change I guess, with the exception of his health. I spend a lot of time reading and learning about new ideas and concepts, and my parents being older, aren't as able to wrap their minds around it I guess. There are a lot of things I have tried to share with them that they will never understand, and there are some things I will never reveal to them, or anyone. They supported me and were always there for me, even when I was real fucked up in the game, so I will do the same for them. With a good family comes the responsibility of taking care of them if something happens, and the burden of watching some of them pass. We get thrown into this life with no say so or preparation, to deal the best we can. My parents made this life tolerable and allowed me to see that we should enjoy it, because we are going to be here either way, no need to make it worse. I hope you can all find peace with yours. Thanks for reading.