how do i adjust the ph in my soil?


Active Member
hey everyone happy holidays pretty green and im having trouble sifting threw the internet to find fact instead of opinion on this subject. Im tryin to grow trees in 15gal pots. I shit my bed and forgot to add dolomite lime with my soil when i transplanted into the big pots. My run off ph from the the soil is a hard 5.5 no matter what the water ph is going in. I tried 6.7 then 7.7 then 9 and the results were the same each time. What am i doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
first of all soil will buffer the PH back to what it is so you can buffer soil with PH'd water.

second runoff is not that acurate, a good soil test is best but if you want to bring it up water with the dolomite lime mixed into the water, this should help bring the PH of the soil up


Active Member
1/2 table spoon lime per gal of water or 3 liters if ur in the UK... you have to take soil samples to get an accurate PH its recomended to take at least 3 to 5 PH readings at differnt dephs in the soil.


Well-Known Member
i put lime in my mix but usually have to add some more. my tap water is acid. so if i'm under the magic number 6.8 i just sprinkle some lime on top, scratch it in and water. you can make a lime drench with 1tblsp lime/gal water and it too works well for me. ive never measured runoff. cheap ph meters work for me as well. i have two just to compare.