How do I crop my plants and "re-veg" them? Is it a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Alright, anouther question. I'm thinking about re veging my plants after harvest. I'm thinking it will let them grow more and they might yield more their next flower. I have the space.


Well-Known Member
A few things:

You'll want to leave one internode, but also take this time to trim the roots and replant it in a smaller pot again, you'll want to trim off and untangle I'd say 50% of the root system.

Most ppl don't re veg because they see it as a waste of time, but I see it as a solution for people who can't/don't have two seperate grow areas, one for a mother and one for budding. Granted, you're not harvesting every month, but atleast you know you got females.

You will want to give it good lighting when you back to 18/6, if you're using a low wattage system (150 watts or less), it will re grow, but it will look really funny, and won't quite snap out of flowering mode. But if you're using 400 watt or better, you got no problems.

I've heard that the genetics will gradually decline after each reveg, who knows.


New Member

Double Harvests (PROVIDED BY G+H 04/11/2007)
Most marijuana plants take at least five months to reach maturity. Once the plant has reached maturity, it is forming its most potent marijuana, and should not be cut down completely. You can often induce the females to flower a second (and sometimes a third) time, especially if the plants are indoors or if the weather is expected to stay mild for several more weeks.
To encourage a second bloom, first take the bulk of the harvest: all but the smallest buds, and most of the leaf. Some green leaves should be left on the plant to maintain the plant's growth. After harvesting, give the plants a thorough watering, and water with a soluble, complete fertiliser that provides a good supply of both N and P. This will encourage new growth and continued flowering.
Indoors, the best procedure is to treat the plants like a hedge. Cut all the plants back to equal heights, about two to three feet tall. Remove most of the grass, but again leave a few green leaves on the plant. Don't remove lower branches even if they are leafless, since these will sprout again. Lower the light system to the tops of the plants, and maintain the daily cycle at about 12 hours. The second crop of buds will be ready for harvest in four to eight weeks. With this system, the plants appear like dense hedges of buds. If the second crop of buds forms quickly, you should try for a third crop. Continue to fertilise the plants regularly, and watch for signs of magnesium deficiencies, which often show up when the plants have been growing for an extended time.
Double and triple harvests are one of the benefits of indoor growing. Although plants are relatively small indoors, the original harvest of buds can be triples in the next four months.



Well-Known Member
Damn thanx for that one. I'm running with the idea of getting two harvests out of my plants. thanx.
I don't see why you couldn't keep re vegging it as much as you want.

There's lots of plants that we keep in our house that will regrow if you chop them down to a stump. Hell, even most trees will do that, I don't see why a weed wouldn't do that.

Nothing says a plant can only be reveged twice. If a mother plant can be kept alive for 15 years, pumping out cuttings, we can reveg.
I don't see why you couldn't keep re vegging it as much as you want.

There's lots of plants that we keep in our house that will regrow if you chop them down to a stump. Hell, even most trees will do that, I don't see why a weed wouldn't do that.

Nothing says a plant can only be reveged twice. If a mother plant can be kept alive for 15 years, pumping out cuttings, we can reveg.
Hi Punk.
15 Years you can keep a plant a live? that is crazy good! so if i have a nice girl should i just keep it a live?


Well-Known Member
15 Years you can keep a plant a live? that is crazy good! so if i have a nice girl should i just keep it a live?
Ya, if you have a good strong female, why go thru all the pain to start from seed each time.

As far as keeping them alive for that long, that's if you're not budding it. Just vegging and using it for cuttings, which is the traditional approach.

If you only have one grow area, you can set it to 18/6, keep you're mother in there, take cuttings, and when you're ready to bud the cuttings, just pull them out of the grow area everynight after their 12 hour light period. And leave your mother in the area.

It's a pain in the ass, you can't miss a single day, but technically, it would work.
Ya, if you have a good strong female, why go thru all the pain to start from seed each time.

As far as keeping them alive for that long, that's if you're not budding it. Just vegging and using it for cuttings, which is the traditional approach.

If you only have one grow area, you can set it to 18/6, keep you're mother in there, take cuttings, and when you're ready to bud the cuttings, just pull them out of the grow area everynight after their 12 hour light period. And leave your mother in the area.

It's a pain in the ass, you can't miss a single day, but technically, it would work.

Thank you men!!!

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Hey ,I just reveged a opium sativa pheno that I harvested three weeks ago.I replanted in new oceans forest and used extra worm castings.Its been a over two weeks and one has five new growths,one of the plants died.I left the bottom buds on both plants.Im just trying to take cuttings next week for a new mother Its going to be ready to clone by next week and I may try to regrow and harvest again 24 hr light reg

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Alright, anouther question. I'm thinking about re veging my plants after harvest. I'm thinking it will let them grow more and they might yield more their next flower. I have the space.
Here's the deal,
you have to harvest early. 2 weeks anyhow. If you wait until the rootball loosens up, you'll be whippin' a dead horse.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing:

A MJ plan is near death at the end of flower, and stress harms the plant genetics. I would no more re-veg a plant than i would clone a hermaphrodite.

I guess if you have one space, and no seeds, that may be your last option, but it's not good practice.

"Cloning is also an ideal way to determine the sex and properties of potential mother plants without every having them undergo the stress of flowering. This is much better than taking a cutting during flowering or putting a flowering plant back under a longer light cycle to revert it back to vegetative growth. Stress can alter or damage genetic material and that genetic change will be passed to the cuttings taken from the mother after that point"


Well-Known Member
I asked the same question myself. Many say they have done it with good results. Found a few pix here and there, but no 'reveg logs'.
So I'm giving it a try and keeping a log. A few other reveger's have stopped by such as Therapy Man with their own experiences. So if you do try, feel free to post in this thread. The more experiences we have, the better we will know just how well this works.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing:

A MJ plan is near death at the end of flower, and stress harms the plant genetics. I would no more re-veg a plant than i would clone a hermaphrodite.

I guess if you have one space, and no seeds, that may be your last option, but it's not good practice.

"Cloning is also an ideal way to determine the sex and properties of potential mother plants without every having them undergo the stress of flowering. This is much better than taking a cutting during flowering or putting a flowering plant back under a longer light cycle to revert it back to vegetative growth. Stress can alter or damage genetic material and that genetic change will be passed to the cuttings taken from the mother after that point"
I've revegged and cloned from flower. Rarely will the plant go past 6-8 wks in RE-flower without trying to pollenate itself but, can still be very worthwhile if you know what you're gettin' into.
Note: Clones taken during flower can turn into EXTREMELY bushy plants.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
I did not reveg early enough but one of them still took.I agree its probably not worth it seeing how I just got 4 packs of subs seeds today off bidzbay,I did not like my opium mother so I really was just experimenting trying to trade an Indica pheno for a sativa.I do agree that some strains cant take the stress of revegging but Opium does not seem to hermie no matter what you do