how do i keep my plant small help out a newby plzz


Active Member
:roll:i need to keep my plant small cuz of the small space its like 18in x 15in or somethin..i started LST on my oldest plant its about 2.5 weeks in and doin really good so is my other seedling its about 1 week old but my lighting sux i only have 2 14w cfl lights on them an theyre not the right spectrum for veg..but other than thathow do i keep it small an still yeild a desent amount in the space i have??:wall: thanks fo the help
:roll:i need to keep my plant small cuz of the small space its like 18in x 15in or somethin..i started LST on my oldest plant its about 2.5 weeks in and doin really good so is my other seedling its about 1 week old but my lighting sux i only have 2 14w cfl lights on them an theyre not the right spectrum for veg..but other than thathow do i keep it small an still yeild a desent amount in the space i have??:wall: thanks fo the help
2 14W!?
Go to sam's club and at least get yourself a pack of 6 27W for ~$15


Hey there... I'm a newby too! 1st time growin ANYTHING!!! I'm having some trouble also but I'll get to that in a min! As far as your light situation...I went to Lowes and bought a 300 watt cfl bulb and it only uses 65 watts! It screws in like a regular bulb and I got mine hanging from the top of my smallest grow space! It measures about 5" or 6" long and it puts out 3900 lumens. I also have the entire area covered from side to side with this bubble wrap that is lined with Mylar that they also sell at Lowes! It was like $14 for a 24" x 25'role! I've read up on it and its supposed to reflect light real good! I got a few seedlings in that area and they're doin pretty good! They're very young so I'll update on their progress. I know that they stretch out to get good ligh source so maybe if you used that bulb and put it as close to the plants without burning them, that might stop them from stretching so fast! That might help you! Like I said.... I'm a newby too, so I may be wrong! But it seems to be working good for me so just wanted to share that info with you to see if it helps you out! WOW.... LOL! Just smoked a fatty so sorry if I'm rambling too much! Now my problem is different... I have another grow area and I'm right around the same timeframe as you! I have 4 seedlings that are about 2.5" to 3" tall and I have all 4 of them set up in a DWC! Fortunately I was able to find a 250 watt MH on Craigslist for $50. I've had them in the DWC with nutes for 3 days now with the light about 5" from the top of them and they are not growing for s#*t! I don't know if I have the light too close or what but I thought they'd do more by now! I also started a thread with better details of my setup so if anyone who reads this has info please feel free to help out! Anyways... If you do decide to get that bulb from Lowes then you should probably invest in that bubble wrap too! Hope I helped! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
H.B. is right if you put a good amount of light close to the top of the plants they will not stretch up as much, also using indica strains stay shorter than sativas. You can also top the plants once they get big enough.


Active Member
well its not like theyre stretching its more of how to keep them small for the small area i have to grow them in im doin the lst method on my one plant its got its 4th pair of leaves right now but like i said keeping them small is my main focus idk how long the lst method will work to keep them small but i still want a desent yeild too so idk this is my first accual grow


Thanks Themistocles for agreeing with me! Not bad for being a newby huh?...Lol. This is my very 1st time growing anything, but I read up A LOT on this forum and was able to learn a few things before I planted! As for Kronic420... I hope the info I gave you helps out! I just checked my seedlings that have the 300 watt cfl on them and they seem to be doin pretty darn good! As for my other ones that I have under the MH... They're starting to show good signs so maybe it was just the transplant into the DWC that sorta shocked them or something! I don't know... I haven't gotten much response on my thread so I'm just guessing! Well good luck Kronic! Keep us posted on your progress.