how do these look


Well-Known Member
how do my trainwreck mother to be plants look and how do my clones look,i lst 3 and topped 2 but i have intied the lst plants as i plant to top them. the clones are in damp rapid rooters and the clones were cut under water and dipped in clonex. they ar in my propagator with a 30w flouro over it i mist them daily with a RHIZOTONIC solution am i doing the cloning part right

the plant in the bubble bucket is a psycoberry clone wich i wish to grow a bit taller then top it and clone it



damn u got some variety in there i see indica sativa and hybrid


Well-Known Member
i also harvested 4 soil plants from my flower room wich are now drying now, but i brought a set of 4 bubble buckets with take 3 plants each which when the clones root i will put them in the buckets and veg for a few weeks then chuck them into flower, can anyone tell me if im doin the cloning correctly

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
You seem to be doing ok with the clones, although they are small. I've never had any success with cuttings smaller than about 4". They need plenty of leaf matter to feed off while they develop a root system in my experience, the lower couple of fan leaves tend to yellow, then wither and eventually drop off. The more leaf matter there is to consume energy from, the better chance the clone has of making it through it's tough first two weeks.


so wait ur saying that all the plants in the first pic are trainwrecks?> if so i can see 3 phenos types