How do these Social based countries keep doing it?

When other countries legalize cannabis or say, prostitution.... and also have universal healthcare and retirement...
What is not to understand?

Consider this...

Cannabis and prostitution choices are choices which individuals can make that don't necessarily inflict person A's choices on person B. They involve free will .

Universal healthcare and mandatory retirement government retirement programs DON'T involve free will and are backed up by threats of death (eventually) for noncompliance. They negate free will.

What's not to understand?
Consider this...

Cannabis and prostitution choices are choices which individuals can make that don't necessarily inflict person A's choices on person B. They involve free will .

Universal healthcare and mandatory retirement government retirement programs DON'T involve free will and are backed up by threats of death (eventually) for noncompliance. They negate free will.

What's not to understand?
By not insulting yourself you are making the rest of us slaves who have to pay for your medical bills
Must be time for another mass shooting, aren’t we overdue a senseless massacre?

Inlight of yesterday's Pittsburg synagogue killings, your comment would have been psychic, BUT, in these times, this bizarreness is all to common
Consider this...

Cannabis and prostitution choices are choices which individuals can make that don't necessarily inflict person A's choices on person B. They involve free will .

Universal healthcare and mandatory retirement government retirement programs DON'T involve free will and are backed up by threats of death (eventually) for noncompliance. They negate free will.

What's not to understand?

Prostitution isn't a choice. It's demeaning to women who would rather not do something but choose to anyway, because the humiliation is easier than doing something else. Or at least that's what they tell themselves. Until they keep doing it, not knowing why.

I don't really understand how the mechanism works but it's similar to capture bonding, where a female from another tribe who accepts their situation goes into an altered state.

No woman would choose prostitution if money wasn't involved.
Prostitution isn't a choice. It's demeaning to women who would rather not do something but choose to anyway, because the humiliation is easier than doing something else. Or at least that's what they tell themselves. Until they keep doing it, not knowing why.

I don't really understand how the mechanism works but it's similar to capture bonding, where a female from another tribe who accepts their situation goes into an altered state.

No woman would choose prostitution if money wasn't involved.
Moron. Prostition without money is just promiscuity.
Moron. Prostition without money is just promiscuity.

Uh huh.

"The term ‘sex work’ obscures the reality of exploitation and violence in prostitution and the sex industry as a whole.

Behind the libertarian rhetoric of ‘freedom’ and ‘choice’, many sex work advocates seem truly focused on eroticizing domination and the profits to be gained therein

The argument that prostituted women ‘consent’ to sex is built on a fallacy. Nearly 90% of women in prostitution say that they want out immediately. Prostituted women are often handled by pimps or madames, who take a portion (or all) of their earnings via coercion or violence. Choice is meaningless in a circumstance like this.

Choice does not also designate justice. Regardless of the fact that some people may choose to go into prostitution, it is a unjust industry. Would any anti-capitalist accept the argument that because some people choose to work in particularly exploitative jobs, that capitalism should not be criticized?

More than 80% of prostituted women are raped, with nearly 75% reporting they have been raped more than five times. This is just a brief writing on a large subject, so we invite you to learn more from these powerful feminist voices:" Melinda Chateauvert, a retired history professor and the author of “Sex Workers Unite!

Uh huh.

"The term ‘sex work’ obscures the reality of exploitation and violence in prostitution and the sex industry as a whole.

Behind the libertarian rhetoric of ‘freedom’ and ‘choice’, many sex work advocates seem truly focused on eroticizing domination and the profits to be gained therein

The argument that prostituted women ‘consent’ to sex is built on a fallacy. Nearly 90% of women in prostitution say that they want out immediately. Prostituted women are often handled by pimps or madames, who take a portion (or all) of their earnings via coercion or violence. Choice is meaningless in a circumstance like this.

Choice does not also designate justice. Regardless of the fact that some people may choose to go into prostitution, it is a unjust industry. Would any anti-capitalist accept the argument that because some people choose to work in particularly exploitative jobs, that capitalism should not be criticized?

More than 80% of prostituted women are raped, with nearly 75% reporting they have been raped more than five times. This is just a brief writing on a large subject, so we invite you to learn more from these powerful feminist voices:" Melinda Chateauvert, a retired history professor and the author of “Sex Workers Unite!

Sorry, only Schuylaar reads your posts if they are more than a line of two long. She keeps hoping you will mention her.

Sometimes I read the first and last line, but the shit in between - I just count it as "blah... blah... blah... yourself... random fact that doesn't really pertain to anything but shows how impressed you are with yourself... blah ... blah... yourself... some Buddha shit... yourself.
Prostitution isn't a choice. It's demeaning to women who would rather not do something but choose to anyway, because the humiliation is easier than doing something else. Or at least that's what they tell themselves. Until they keep doing it, not knowing why.

I don't really understand how the mechanism works but it's similar to capture bonding, where a female from another tribe who accepts their situation goes into an altered state.

No woman would choose prostitution if money wasn't involved.

Men can be prostitutes too.

I agree that some prostitutes would probably prefer not to be prostitutes and that for some (maybe even most) there may be some kind of psychological or physical capture involved. The presence of that capture for some, doesn't mean it exists for all though.

There are people who consciously decide to be prostitutes, just like there are people who consciously decide to be bus drivers. The people who are forced into or held in prostitution circumstances are victims. The people who decide to be prostitutes are not victims. The difference is in the free will aspect or the lack of.
Sorry, only Schuylaar reads your posts if they are more than a line of two long. She keeps hoping you will mention her.

Sometimes I read the first and last line, but the shit in between - I just count it as "blah... blah... blah... yourself... random fact that doesn't really pertain to anything but shows how impressed you are with yourself... blah ... blah... yourself... some Buddha shit... yourself.

I love it when I can't see a thing of his but just looking at your post I know EXACTLY who you're talking about.
You’re not using words correctly

I imagine this is s habit you’ve developed to help yourself try to justify pedophilia

I can point out all day that every country with government controlled, socialized medicine gets better results for lower costs but your nazi ass will cry about how it’s slavery and rape and then creepily suggest that certain 11 year old boys can consent to your pedophilic sexual advances

"IF" people would take responsibility for what they eat and drink they wouldn't need health care, which pretty much puts everyone who uses it on innumerable medications. They don't know how to heal

Why doesn't the medical profession come out against all the fast ood and junk food if they really cared about our health

That's the type o thing you should be concerned about instead of your BS political infighting
"IF" people would take responsibility for what they eat and drink they wouldn't need health care, which pretty much puts everyone who uses it on innumerable medications. They don't know how to heal

Why doesn't the medical profession come out against all the fast ood and junk food if they really cared about our health

That's the type o thing you should be concerned about instead of your BS political infighting
Yeah, those kids with terrible diseases totally brought it on themselves.

Please keep posting your moronic ideas. It helps our cause more that you could ever know.
Men can be prostitutes too.

I agree that some prostitutes would probably prefer not to be prostitutes and that for some (maybe even most) there may be some kind of psychological or physical capture involved. The presence of that capture for some, doesn't mean it exists for all though.

There are people who consciously decide to be prostitutes, just like there are people who consciously decide to be bus drivers. The people who are forced into or held in prostitution circumstances are victims. The people who decide to be prostitutes are not victims. The difference is in the free will aspect or the lack of.
are you telling on yourself again. I feel this has everything to do with you being raped at a young tender age
Everyone: government controlled socialized medicine gets better results for less money everywhere

Rob Roy: what about faberge eggs

More o your BS

I have a canadian friend, long time business owner in the US. His mother live in Canada, but she can't get an appointment to see a doctor there
More o your BS

I have a canadian friend, long time business owner in the US. His mother live in Canada, but she can't get an appointment to see a doctor there
Can I ask why she cannot get in to see a Dr? You didn't say for some strange reason.
My step farther happens to be a GP and IDK what he earns now but roughly 12 years ago it worked out roughly to $70 per 15 minutes. Would only be more now, so if you were alluding to a monetary compensation then you would be mistaken. We also have a GP shortage in the rural towns, cities and centres but not in the major cities were we have an over abundance of them.

Tell your Canadian friend to tell his mother just to rock up to a hospital or medical centre on a week day morning and they should get in to see a GP fairly quickly.

And Yes social countries do infact get a better health care result for less money. Its probably one of the reasons that citizens of countries with a social outlook are happier. Your Trump even said that Australia has a better health care system than America. Its on you tube somewhere, I believe @doublejj posted it somewhere to.

I like having social healthcare. My mother in law who is stage 4 cancer moved states and into my home on Sunday. She had a 2 hr GP appointment on Monday. Going back to the practice today for blood tests etc and should be back on the Chemo train next week. All for $0 and of cause for a sick pensioner no monetary worries on top of her health concerns. Even her pills are heavily subsidized by the govt (Im sure the govt also negotiates a fair price for the pills with big Pharma to..). The people being looked after fairly by the people. What's so wrong with that?
Is it a perfect system? Of cause not but its a far better system than the alternatives. We even live longer.
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