How do YOU have a smoking session?


Well-Known Member
So I was just wondering, how do you have a smoking session? I know it obviously depends on alot of things, but just say your home alone, got some nice bud lets say after dinnerish.

Usually, I smoke a bowl right off the bat and then every once and a while take a few hits. I find that sitting down and playing xbox or going on the computer makes me tired after a really short period of time so I usually try and find things to do that involve moving.

When ever I smoke with my buddy he smokes ALL his weed when we start. Like constant bong hits until he's done.

So like what method's do you use that keep you at a good high for as long as you want?


Well-Known Member
I dont see it as a session we just smoke and chill

smoke a blunt watch t.v. or a movie and talk shit.
If we outside stand and talk shit. rarely play video games while method for staying higher longer? Not doing anything major and taking god hits.


Well-Known Member
I like to go at a steady pace. Over the course of my time off. But hey, you know I fuck up every once in awhile and blast hard. Don't get me wrong it's cool, but it's more trippy for me.