How do you increase terpene production?


Active Member
Was wondering the best ways to increase terpene production. The strain ive been growing for a few generations tastes and smells good, real kushy and sweat, but I want to try and make it even better. Any proven ways that you have tried yourself would be much appreciated.


Active Member
Thats one plus I heard about uvb and one reason why I added a t8 uvb into my flower room last week. They really do love and need that uvb. HPS doesn't give off very much, if any, and that's a big reason I couldn't get the full flavor out of em. I added some blue cfls into the mix also to try and get it as close to the sun as possible. They like the mixed spectrum a lot better without a doubt. I'm ganna try to add something in the last couple weeks like a secondary booster such as bud candy or something. I've found out too that the least amount of nutes possible the more that my plants like it. Thats in ocean forest though. Over nutage forsure will take away the flavor and smell.


Active Member
I run fox farm nutes with advanced nutes, because I got free samples of AN bud blood and carboload, but i run big bloom,tiger bloom for a base and then on top of that I use bud blood in the first two weeks of flower. Works fuckin great by the way to get things rollin. Then I give em beastie bloomz for week 3 and 4, and then cha ching for the remainder until the last two weeks. Then they get water til the end. Any specific additives for terpen production that would blend good with my line. Good lookin out a head of time.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

No actual evidence that it makes a difference in the terpene production but on top of various GH nutes i add something called "Flourish trace" which i had from growing aquatic plants. I was going to look at my Flora nova Bloom but the bottle is covered in crud..hang on going to google it...does not say anything about trace elements...I didn't search for long though, just looked at a pdf of the label.

Flourish trace has:

Boron, copper, cobalt, manganese,molybdenum,zinc,rubidium,nickel,vanadium..

All very low levels like 0.003%

It doesn't hurt them that's for sure, the way i dun thunk it was that many fancy words had to be impotent...
