How do you know if you drunk?


Well-Known Member
Well i have 2 "Steel Reserve 211" in my fridge 40 fl oz each and i just drank 1 and im thinking about taking a couple shots of some tequila i have. But i dont know when enough is enough. I mean i feel kinda different right now im trying not to make any spelling errors for you to under stand me but i feel weird. and im also watching "Superbad" (like 4th time watching it) and im like 10 minutes in when Seth starts telling the Home Ec teacher that the class is a joke. LOL im sorry if im not making any sence. Im gonna go get that tequila........


Well-Known Member
Keep drinking until youre about to piss your pants.

Then drink some more.

You can pee before you go to bed. No sooner.


Well-Known Member
I Think i am a bit drunk i felt sloppy while walking to the kitchen. but i poured my self 1/4 cup of tequila and 3/4 Pepsi i know it sounds like pussy like behavior but i rather drink it with pepsi and enjoy it dont worry i'll drink more cups. BTW im 19, and if your wondering how i get alcohol well i have friends who are 21. LOL drink tilll im about to piss my pants. I feel different but i dont know if im drunk i wont lie i never drink. but i have no bud and i have this funny ass movie, so i guessed what the hell might ass well.


Well-Known Member
steel reserve, lol dude the crack heads around here drink that, and as much as id like to be kidding, theres a bunch of crack dens near me an i mean seriously thats what crackheads buy, cause its 50cents. or theyll buy the new 99c 22 oz coors. which isnt half bad, better than reserve thats for sure.
get a stella, or some sammy adams winter a guinness or even a coors light.


Well-Known Member
Well if you wanna make a tread look at the top left corner of each page. it says something like "Make new thread" or "New Thread" hope this helps. How do you know if you are right now i feel fucked up i can barely walk. ive had like 4 cups of tequila mixed with pepsi and i feel fucked up.I Also took 2 shots before drinking with pepsi just to get me started


Well-Known Member
LOL i know im drunk i cant even fucking walk without feeling like im aboujt to drop on the ground after taking a couple of steps


Well-Known Member
naa i wont end up in jail im at home i wont go anyhwhere drunk. If i learned anything from my dad is dont go out while your drunk, my dad might have never gotten caught when he was drunk but i wont even go out when im drunk. Im pretty sure i know better. LOL ive been watching this movie "SuperBad" so far and this movie is funny as FUCK when you are drunk lol

diesel mecanix

Active Member
Superbad is hilarious.....what's up gangstas? I know when I am drunk when I look out the corner of my eye (periphs) and I can't focus on one object. Then when I am fit shaced I can't focus on anything looking straight on :)


Well-Known Member
How do you know if your drunk? This little rhyme says it all. If your mouth is getting dry you know you're plenty high.


Well-Known Member
Man, it trips me out every time i hear that you have to be 21 years old to drink in the US. Here its 18 legally, but everyone starts drinking at 14ish. So have you decided whether your intoxicated or not yet?


Well-Known Member
damn i just woke up, I had a good sleep. Well every thing felt like it was going by really slow last night. I woke up with my ipod right next to me on my bed (WTF). I dont even remember grabing my ipod last night.