How do you outdoor growers do it?

These side branches on the Tall one are past half way to the tops ..I think those EWC boosted it's growth
Also have some blackstrap molasses coming in today anybody used it?
I already use recharge so I've heard some ppl say not to use it
I wouldn't water the blackstrap to your soil directly. If anything, use a teaspoon in a bucket with some water. Use a decent air pump, and brew up a bag of your EWC into ACT in less than 2 days. Then pour that in.
no no no, a nanner is a yellow bannana, very differant from a female pre flower, you get nanners on flowering buds ir you let her go too long or your unlucky
I had a plant start throwing nanners everywhere in preflower this round. It was very strange to see happening at every branch joint.
Really should have taking a picture before it went to compost pile
Can I feed 1 cup earthworm castings a week or should i wait 2 weeks
organics are very forgiving to growers. look into compost tea, mix i cup of compost, 1 cup of earth worm casts, and mix with water, shake, leave, shake a few hours later and pour over the soil.
look into compost tea's in the organics section, loads of great stuff,
its well wortyh investing in a air pump to aerate compost and other teas. in 24 hours you have some premo feed for your ladies
organics are very forgiving to growers. look into compost tea, mix i cup of compost, 1 cup of earth worm casts, and mix with water, shake, leave, shake a few hours later and pour over the soil.
look into compost tea's in the organics section, loads of great stuff,
its well wortyh investing in a air pump to aerate compost and other teas. in 24 hours you have some premo feed for your ladies
Ok cool thanks :blsmoke:
Did a wash on my Purple Kush with Hydrogen peroxide and two buckets of cool water. I definitely recommend if you don't wanna smoke random Earth debris:weed:
What u guys think about wasps? They are flying all over my plants everyday..I know they kill pests but can they harm plant in anyway?

I had wasps going after my praying mantis nymphs. That has been the only times I have seen wasps on my plants. I did have birds doing the same thing for the nymphs.
Is it true that bud washing doesn't effect the trichomes or potency ? Can't this cause mold? I gotta switch to indoor for my next run..

I don’t wash my bud. I grow in living soil and use companion plants, for pest control I have had no PM, very little bud rot or pest issues since shifting to this method of growing.
I also grow strains that do well in my climate. I’m in the PNW in north central Oregon in a dry climate but we do get rain that starts early to mid Oct.
I grow 3-4 plants a year and harvest 10+ pounds of great bud plus another 10-12 pounds of bud buddies I use for tinctures, topicals and edibles.
You can’t do that with 3-4 plants indoor.
I can tell tell difference between clean budd and dirty. I grow mostly outside.

I do not "wash" my budd. What I do is for a few mornings before harvest the plant gets a light hoseing off. If it's going to be a high humidity day I'll blow the excess water off.

I keep my plants as clean as posible by hosing them off in the mornings while there is still dew. I don't worry about mold if the plants are washed while they still have dew on them. I have never had mold doing it this way and the plants are clean when harvested.
I grow outdoors in 7-15gal. hard pots that normally reside in my wife's garden cart so they're portable, which is a huge plus
You don't need to wash your buds. That's just over complicating things and it's an unnecessary risk. I've been growing indoor and outdoor for decades and I've never washed anything. Never noticed anything or had a complaint
Try it on your outdoor this season. You'd be surprised
Yea fabric pots
I would imagine you could just spread a couple of cups of worm castings on your plants every other week and be fine! Just water it in gradually and have most of the benefits of compost tea. Worm castings are the single best thing you can give your plants, except water.