How Do You Smoke your Buds?


Well-Known Member
man I broke my only 14 mil glass bowl for my 2footer.....damnit now it's just stading there.....bowless, I felt alittle piece of my heart break when it hit the floor:cry: nooooooo


Well-Known Member
I feel for you man,

last week I had my glass bowl and stem on the floor, because I was grinding weed. And I moved my arm, and my lighter flew off the recliner and landed right in the middle of the glass stem, and it broke..


Well-Known Member
Mine got caught on the arm of my hoodie (the handle on the bowl) I think if I hadn't just cleaned it would still be alive today....but We live and we learn:joint:


Well-Known Member
I've been havin to smoke outta my 1 1'2 foot 18 mm and lots of blunts till I can get a new bowl for my biggin. Which I don't really mind "jack" tears it up and blunts of sugary bud don't hurt ether. damn expensive glass on glass I just need to learn how to blown my own glass