How do you think smoking weed has affected your life: poll

How do you think weed has affected your life

  • Weed has only brought happiness into my life

    Votes: 63 63.0%
  • Weed is just a medicine to me i use it because i have to

    Votes: 6 6.0%
  • weed is good, I use it socially and not that regularly, i have a great laugh with it

    Votes: 13 13.0%
  • weed has had negative affects on my life

    Votes: 18 18.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
lmao!!!!! its like there are certian people who smoke just to not be the only one smoking, there are ppl who smoke just to be sociable. there are people who use it for medicinal purposes. and then there are the few who smoke because its part of their culture, or lifestyle. and thoes few people will never quit smoking because is part of them in a sence. and i fall into that category, which sux because idk many people that smoke like me. or that can smoke as much as do. Sometimes if i have alot of money maybe i wanna buy a quarter ounce and just bake it up. most of my friends would stop after the first 1-2 blunts or the first bowl.(not that i do that all the time) bt its only becuse like u said they are still living that lie that was given to them during childhood, so they do it more so to be rebelious. Theres only one maybe two friends i have that can smoke like me. and one of them is thinking about quitng and the other is doing cocaine and ex now and me and him are distant.........................
Sometimes that happens... friends, groups of friends in particular, drift apart over time. It always sucks, though, and it can really get you down... especially when you dwell on the good times everyone used to have.

Thing is, you've gotta move forward regardless if anyone else is comin' along for the ride. I recently lost two really good friends... one of them just stopped talking to me one day. Decided she was too good for me or something like that. She'd been my best friend for over 10 years... but I haven't spoken to her in months. It's painful. The other friend... I had to get rid of. She wasn't so much a friend as she was a constant source of drama and irritation. She was a liar, a thief and was all too content to prepetuate a terrible home/family situation because it was easy.... she loved to complain about her problems and be depressed and gain sympathy from people because of her situation... but never once did she ever do anything to BETTER herself or get herself out. I got tired of being used by her, and even though she put me through hell... letting go of her has been really hard. Even though it's definitely the best thing for me, and I've been better off having cut her out of my life... she was still my friend, and my friend for a long time at that.

But, life goes on. So will I! Won't let it get me down.

I'll smoke up instead. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Just lately a mate of mine approached me and reckoned that pot was starting to fuck with me really bad. I've been lacking in motivation for school-work as of late, but can't put marijuana down as the source of my problems. I decided to slash my pot smoking a lot, and am currently smoking a lot less to see if this will affect my "clear headedness" to any extent. But, I suppose in retrospect weed has bought me happiness and I can't really complain.


New Member
marijuana is my medicine........ but i wish i could have picked more then one answer cuz i enjoy smokin it , lookin at it smellin it , growin it , the taste, the texture alot of ppl tell me my life is revolved around marijuana way too much but thats just who i am lol


Well-Known Member
The only down side is that if I get too stoned on a night before work I have to wait a few hours to sober up before I start work the next day... Good thing I make my own schedule.



Well-Known Member
ask yourselves if its CANNABIS that is negetively affecting you, or is it the other opinions that people have of cannabis that is negetively affecting you


Active Member
She wasn't so much a friend as she was a constant source of drama and irritation. She was a liar, a thief and was all too content to prepetuate a terrible home/family situation because it was easy.... she loved to complain about her problems and be depressed and gain sympathy from people because of her situation... but never once did she ever do anything to BETTER herself or get herself out.

Wow! I currently have a friend who is exactly like this, and I mean EXACTLY...
I try to stay away from her as much as possible these days, I have no fucking need to sit and constantly listen to BS stories. Talk about a buzz kill.. Its a shame too 'cos we used to be real, real close and the relationship was excellent... aw well, life goes on as do the bongs :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Forgot to add in my original post - I've had nothing but good experiences/life effects from indulging in cannabis. Opened up my mind to whole new ways of thinking/socialising/general daily living and it also let me slow down and appreciate the smaller things more,... also it makes me get up off my ass and do my workouts on those days I just don't feel like doing them :P

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Smoking herb saved me from serious heroin addiction. I was addicted to dope from 17-23.. I had always smoked herb but when I decided to truly kick heroin for real I became obsessed with herb. It saved me. I cant get over what herb has done for me. In 10 years I went from a scummy junkie hanging out with drug dealing murderers in dangerous projects to living in a nice house that I own, own the car I always wanted since childhood, have a good job, amazing dog who I love, and havent touched opiates in a long time. i stopped taking the methadone about 4 or 5 years ago quit the xanax and have been doing GREAT! I dont drink or do any drugs, just smoke herb. It has definitely made me a better person. And I must add, since I started growing it my appreciation for this miraculous plant has doubled. Growing herb or any kind of plants has become such a satisfying, truly joyous, soothing hobby I cant get over the effects this has had on me. I have a really short fuse and this has calmed me in ways no drug ever has... Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow! I currently have a friend who is exactly like this, and I mean EXACTLY...
I try to stay away from her as much as possible these days, I have no fucking need to sit and constantly listen to BS stories. Talk about a buzz kill.. Its a shame too 'cos we used to be real, real close and the relationship was excellent... aw well, life goes on as do the bongs :eyesmoke:
Yeah, this girl and I were REALLY close.. then she just sorta... went crazy. She was always crazy, but she just really went off the deep end. Living in the house she's in ... I can understand it, but she's using her situation as a crutch to gain sympathy from others. I'm not the only person who figured out what she was doing, I've talked to some of her other friends and apparently a decent number have stopped talking to her for the same reasons I did. She's currently very depressed and 'unable to do anything' because she's so sad over the fact her friends ditched her.... when the reason we ditched her was because she was always whining about how sad she was and how it was keeping her from doing anything. People are tired of her SHIT! Heh...

And yeah. BONGS ARE WIN.