How do you wash Organic air Hepa filters? +REP

Fuck Snails

Active Member
I just purchased a used 6" hepa filter for 25 bucks from craigslist...only used for one cyle. I sprayed the whole thing down with compressed air because it was dusty...I'd like to wash too...but I'm not sure how to wash it...

How do you wash your organic air filters? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I have two in my home...if you can locate the filter will be bit of expensive to buy one new at the walmart...i did use the facuet from sink to rinse it off...just with water...then put outside for dry...



Active Member
Just hose is down with plain water and let it dry. Most people pull air through them, this being the case I'd spray it down from the inside. Otherwise if you spray the opposite direction you run the risk of pushing debris through the filter.
If you have reason to believe the filter was used in the opposite manner, as in blowing air through it, than hose it down from the outside.