how does dimming work in relation to efficiency and drive current?


Well-Known Member
W = V * I
Watts are directly related to both current AND voltage.

Measuring voltage in parallel (high voltage in the case of COBs) in no way offers any protection.

If you do not know what you are doing, understand that this is dangerous. We are working with currents that are in excess and magnitudes far greater than what's needed to stop a heart from beating.

If you take a measurement across a voltage, and your fingers touch the probes or contacts, your heart is now parallel with the voltage you intended to measure. Current will take ALL PATHS available.

Shout out to Greengenes, Mau5, Robin, Rahz, and anyone I know from OG, IC, cannabanana etc.

You guys are on the bleeding edge of this LED revolution, and inspired me to create my own lights.

Now I will bring a background of electronics to the game and help the community where I can.