How does my 12/12from seed look?

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
it looks healthy...I have never done 12/12 from seed so I don't know what's normal but it does look a bit small....what are you using for CFL's?


Its actually not that small. That pic doesnt show height too well, 12/12 from seed are meant to stay small for limited grow space anyways. And i have 23 watt cfls. Just popped out a few white hairs at the fifth node and shes starting to really smell. Minimal yeild is fine by me btw. Its my first grow, kind of a test run and ended up lucking out with one bag seed being female lol


Well-Known Member
MORE LIGHTS...........looks ok though,a little stretched but that's ok.
Next time keep your light(s) closer use a bright white 6500k or 5000k for veg or till stretch is over then switch to a flowering light spectrum 2700k,3000k
Good luck,m8:)


Yah i keep light only 2-3 inches away. And i like 12/12 from seed bc the plant doesnt grow huge, therefor i wouldnt be vegging anyways. How do the hairs look? They just popped out two days ago


Ya my fiance read the books and madr me watch the first movie..ended up watching them all lmao. But yea im pumped for my first ever grow to be a female!


No im not repotting. 12/12 FS doesnt require a big pot. People have grown in a solo cup successfully. An yea hopefully i can get one big fat cola.


Ill be putting update pics on this page bc i doont know how to journal lol. So if yall are interested just stop by this page every now and again and check on my first grow!


Active Member
Dont trim whole branches off,trim everything off them but leave the growing tip as they will grow into big buds