How does she look for 4wks flowering


My first plant @ 4 weeks since the switch to 12-12, I went away for work for 3 weeks and left it in the hands of my girlfriend and it was on the brink of death when i got back so this time around i dont expect big yeilds but does she look alright? for 4 weeks? Cheers +rep to all :D



Well-Known Member
Looks good to me, your girl must have done a decient job. Mine is at about 4 weeks also and the buds look basicly like yours do, just a little more frost.


Thanks mate :) yeah she did the general things watered it, opened up the cupboard for fresh air ect.. but then she added pure undiluted nutes to the plant straight out of the bottle haha. I couldnt blame her, she didnt know to dilute, but once it was flushed and the dead leaves cut away it pulled through alright. +rep good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
Looks like it came back really nice then! Looks really healthy and green, good luck to you too sir.


thanks for stopping by pats, yeah i had a pretty bad case of nute burn when it got hit with pure nutes so i flushed it once and let it dry for 2 days then gave it a heavy watering an it bounced back straight away :D have you tried flushing it at all?