How does the silk road work?

I don't have PMs because they took mine away, not because I didn't set it up. Just email me from a random email, mine is just my username at yahoo. I got TOR, but I need to figure out of Bicoins work...

You have to purchase the bicoins with a credit card or through pay pal. Or some sellers you can contact direct. I totally dont do that but who knows what you will do.
I am trying really hard not to troll this thread. You are testing my limits. But joc is about right, but it wasn't in the 40's and it wasn't secret government shit. It included trade routes between China, Russia, India, Africa and Europe.

You need to load Camel as a browser. It is possible to overload Camel, leading to a broken main bus. cn
Try contacting the seller direct. Some will sell this way.

I didn't even think about that. I'll do that since I'm not even trying to break the law on there. If I could find these things on other sites I would. But how much does a bit coin cost. I can't tell what any of the prices are.
Bitcoins? cn

How much do bitcoins costs right now and what is the best way to get them?

open a bit wallet, it's free, go to bit instant .. it's super easy.. you buy them on bit instant, but pay for them in person at like a cvs store...

bc's are like i think around $12 or $13 per atm..

you need to figure out pgp before you do anything else though imo.. look into pgp programs, i like gpg2win i think it's called.. google google google..
open a bit wallet, it's free, go to bit instant .. it's super easy.. you buy them on bit instant, but pay for them in person at like a cvs store...

bc's are like i think around $12 or $13 per atm..

you need to figure out pgp before you do anything else though imo.. look into pgp programs, i like gpg2win i think it's called.. google google google..

More like $30 each.
open a bit wallet, it's free, go to bit instant .. it's super easy.. you buy them on bit instant, but pay for them in person at like a cvs store...

bc's are like i think around $12 or $13 per atm..

you need to figure out pgp before you do anything else though imo.. look into pgp programs, i like gpg2win i think it's called.. google google google..
Alright cool. I'm about to do that now. And pgp, is that the thing that hides your address? Because I am not trying to get anything illegal so idk if I need that.
what would everyone say is the cheapest way to get them? Wal mart charges a fee, is it a cheaper fee than like mt.gox, or do they even have a fee?
what would everyone say is the cheapest way to get them? Wal mart charges a fee, is it a cheaper fee than like mt.gox, or do they even have a fee?
Dont qoute me on this fin but i think every where charges a fee to get them.. bit instant is like around 3% or so if i remember correctly..
And yes...pgp is encryption.. I'd still suggest using it even if you're buying a legal item from the.deep.web.. security is surely worth the bit of.effort it takes to learn pgp imvbo..
Dont qoute me on this fin but i think every where charges a fee to get them.. bit instant is like around 3% or so if i remember correctly..
And yes...pgp is encryption.. I'd still suggest using it even if you're buying a legal item from the.deep.web.. security is surely worth the bit of.effort it takes to learn pgp imvbo..
I have to learn it?
it would be in your best intrest

those silk road sites are well, deceptive

protect yourself as much as possible

liek 4chan i hear you can meet great people or horrible people

just be safe

remember it is not just you you put at risk

anyone in your life can be used against you if you allow it(be safe finguy)

and many things used on the internet even tor networks can be traced, even dark net shit
I have to learn it?
Well.. i.did.. lol.. I'm not always the sharpest spoon in the drawer but I'm also not a complete idiot and it took me some help to.figure it out..
It's a program and unless you're pretty computer savvy unlike myself.. it could take someone helping you along the way like i had with it.. if you're good w computers you might have an easier time with it.. it's not very hard tbh once you.get a feel for it imo..