How does your soil stack up


Well-Known Member
Ok on of the most argued topics besides nutes; what are your ladies growin in. I use a custom mix:

• 2 in of river rock for drainage
• pure unfertilized soil
• cow manure or bat
• perlite
• vermaculite
• peat moss

The peat moss helps pull the soil away from the pot edge when it's just about perfectly dry for next watering cycle.

Any comments?


Active Member
I use a local mix called red wizard mix. I'd have to call the manufacturer to get the breakdown. But its a mix made by a very knowledgable cannibus farmer locally. Although he sold his recipe to another local company supposedly still the same.


Well-Known Member
"4-Way Mix"

1 part "Store Bought" Topsoil.
1 part compost.
1 part vermiculite or perlite.
1 part composted "Steer Manure".

The "1 part Steer Manure" is just a guideline. You can make that "1 part" out of any "fertilizer ingredients" you want to mix together, as long as 25% of the overall, finished, mix has the same, approximate, "potency" as regular old, straight, composted, Steer Manure. I have played around with the recipe, and have come to use "Gardner & Bloome's Farmyard Blend" (a blend of several farm animals' manure), mixed with 3 different "flavors" of dry, organic, fertilizers and some filler (to keep the potency level, of this "1 part", down around equal with plain old Steer Manure).

By the way, "4-Way Mix" isn't really "my" recipe, I ripped it off from somebody a long time ago - don't remember who or when. But the idea of substituting other things for the "1 part Steer Manure", was all me, Baby!


Well-Known Member
transplanted a flowering plant into a 3x bigger pot of FF ocean. Just left it alone for a couple weeks after one watering and it went from stressed to double size and lush as fuck so, FFOF and COCO are bomb.