How early can I....


Active Member
How early can I start giving my new seedlings root stimulant? kinda of a nub question. I was guessing 2 weeks maybe?


Active Member
figured I should mention that I'm using a soiless mix, peat, verm, perlite, and 1 part compost. i guess its alright to mix it in with my gallon of water already. someone confirm?


I have the same question but i feel like if you cantgive em nutes til the second or third week then i would hold off til about half way through veg but i have no idea what im talking about


Active Member
Wait until the top 2 leaves the round set (cotyledons) start to either turn yellow or fall off, that means your plant is not getting enough nutes from the soil (if you guys are growing hydro I have no idea) and is stealing it from itself. Remember to start off at 1/4 recommended strength so you don't burn your babies. Hope this is of some help!


i use soilless mix for my plants to start and finish in, so i feed my soil with everything cuz it has no nutrients in it i start off with halph strenth with everthing you use to a gallon and water feed every watering with nuets till they start to see roots then hit them full strenth i water inbeetwen feedings also for a light flush