how high would you go uncooled?

alphabibbiddy boo boo

Well-Known Member
so i want to upgrade my veg lighting. i was wondering how much wattage i could use without having to air cool it. i'm thinking 250 watt... maybe 400, but ive never ran wither before. im just planning on an open reflector for a housing... no fans, no glass



Well-Known Member
It really depends on your cab size and set up. What kind of air exchange do you have?


Well-Known Member
Well in an enclosed area without ventilation i wouldent go above 50W of HPS. In an open room or something, yeah a 400 could go.


Well-Known Member
Wondering this myself.Lookin to add prolly a 400watter for me veg room.I know my 600 only raises the temp to 75 degrees in my bloom room without the tube fan runnin.That room is 6x6x7.5.Veg room is a little smaller and have been runnin a small heater to keep them temps in the mid 70's so think maybe a 400 would work to remove the heater and get me away from the cfls for vegging.