How important is properly trimming up your buds after chop?


If everything is properly cured (plan on curing for at least 3 weeks) does it matter how good of a trimming job I did? I didn't get about half of the larger leaves right from the stem. I Just trimmed the leave part flush with the buds. Wondering if I should go back and trim the rest. What a pain trimming them is!


Well-Known Member
i like to get them really close to the bud.
the ones that are inside the bud i just leave there.
the look of the bud will tell you.
if you dont care about bag appeal you can leave it, but if you want nice lookin bud you could cut it back as close to the bud as possible.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Drying takes at least 3 weeks. Curing can take 2-3 months. You gotta get rid of all the bigger leaves. They will affect the time it takes to dry and cure and the taste will be affected because the bigger leaves have more chlorophyl in them.


Well-Known Member
ya he's right, but if you're not in a hurry, i find that leaving the outer leaves on while it dries gives it kind of a cure while its hanging.