How long before my buds are purple?


Active Member
Yo i got a berry bomb strain.. half blueberry and half bomb.
ill be putting it outside for a few days where the temps are about 10C average. 51degrees farenheiht.

How long will it take though? On bomb seeds website it says will turn blue/purple in cold night conditions.

Ive waited till the last week of flower. im on week 8 now ajd plan on curtting down in a week or so.. is that enough time? Anyone else grown purple in cold temps can help me?


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt do that, when a plant goes purple from cold temps its stressed/damaged (not incl purple strains). Also you could get busted,ripped,mold,mites, other pests or snapped up by a hungry animal in Spring.


Active Member
Im from australia.. Just need to put it on my balcony bro during the nights.. no bugs the question us.. jow lobg before the bud is purple?


Active Member
Ill give it a week before i give up. i heard if i put purple food colouring in the tank the plants will turn purple after a whole caznit drinks purple water.


Active Member
If your indoors just raise your lights and drop your temps..its supposed to pull the nutrients and pigment out of the plant and the color is supposed to come


Active Member
If your indoors just raise your lights and drop your temps..its supposed to pull the nutrients and pigment out of the plant and the color is supposed to come
I cant raise the lights any higher my plants are big as... Its 10C or 50*farenheight tonight.. should i pop them outside


Well-Known Member
i have a batch of Grand Daddy Purple that are about to get chopped. They did not begin to show purple AT ALL untill week 7 of flowering. They are now showing small dark purple growth in the buds at the base of the water leaves. They are NEVER cold, they get 80-82 during the day and 70-78 at night It all depends on the pheno of your strain it may not ever show purple and be better than other strains that were purple. My advise is dont stress your plant in an attempt to make it purple, it may work but you will end up with less weed and it wont be as good. Let the plant do her thing, if she wants to wear purple she will!


Active Member
but the key to get purple is to drop ur night temps a good 15 degrees the colder the faster u get a lock out which turns the plant purple and almost all plants will show purple by cold temps only a few will naturally tun purple because of phenos if u find one that does use it for breedin


Well-Known Member
In my honest opinion i would just skip throwing it outside and trying to get it to turn purple. Your girl in in her prime right now and is putting her last bit of juice into giving you the best sweet pungent fruit she can and you're stressing her out for what you will probably end up trimming off in the end. Give her the best you can (Closer lights, regular waterings and nutes and temps) and she will give you the best she can.

Pictures of a random bagseed that turned completely dark purple for every rock hard bud on it. Hunt through a known purple strain till you find the one you are looking for.



Well-Known Member
If a strain doesn't have purple in it's genetics to turn that color, whether it's the stigmas, calyxs, or leaves, BY GENETICS ALONE, then why, praytell, would one want to purposefully subject their plant to colder environs to "make it" turn purplish, by stuinting the growth, and overall trichome and oil production, just so it becomes "purple" for the sake of it being "purple"... Man, I hate to say it, but if that shit ain't turning purplr in 75 deg F, then IT AINT GENETICS, and u shouldnt be stressing the plant to turn a color, when it wouldnt turn that color naturally, under optimal conditions.. Ive grown the Purplest Indica I've ever seen, and my temps never went below 75, or above 80 deg F... That was because God wanted it to be purple, i.e. genetics... Not because I put it outside during the winter and was like " Hey man, check out my stunted, purple pot plant!" Idk... Just doesn't sound sound to me...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, not so sure why you so dead set about getting it purple. Good weed is good weed, either it's In the genetics or it isn't.


Active Member
Put the plant in the Fridge for 12 hours at 2C, that will do something to it. Or get a can of spray paint and paint it purple, it will look cool but smoke like shit. But its the purple "look" we are after anyway.



Well-Known Member
RIGHT ON-obijohn and VX420! I mean, if it's going to turn purple in any area or capacity, just let it do what it wants to do, genetically speaking, and leave it in optimal conditions, which below 65 deg F, is obviously NOT optimal conditions... Just because it CAN survive and turn colors, does not increase potency or allure, if u ask me... If anything, u r only stunting itz development, creating an un-natural environment, and making it be purple for no other reason than for it to be a different color than it's genetic signals would've otherwise directed it to be, which in my opinion, and others' as well, is less than an optimal outcome... I have found that when I create a grow environment as close to nature's settings as possible indoors, that my plants respond accordingly, and truely live up to their individual potentials, in every way, from phenos, to potency, to taste, smell(from healthy terpine production), to size and vigor, and ultimately, yield amounts... NOT to shit on purple pot AT ALL, because, like many pot enthusiasts out there, I myself go nuts over purple pot, but NOT if it was made that way from cold weather(especially if it was intentional), and I LOVE to see NATURAL genetically-produced purple stigmas, calyxs, and even stems, and leaves-again, so long as it didn't become purple from temperature conditions, or nute issues... I think "TRUE" purple varieties are very special, and revered gems in the world of cannabis...


Active Member
Well so far without playing with thw plant.. its ready for harvest and the water leaves a purple.. but that sux caz it will just be cutoff anyway and not show on the final product