How long for a stem to fully heal?


Active Member
One of my G13xHazes absolutely took off and grew huge and bushy in about a week. Its a beautiful sight. But my grow space has limited height I was going to tie some of the branches down and LST it, which Ive been meaning to do for a while anyway. The problem is, I started to train it as soon as I had got back from being out of town for a week. Apparently there was a slight nutrient issue in my absence(hydro) and the stems were really soft. One of the big stalks tore right at main stem, I didnt even feel it happen, it just flopped over. I was sad :(. I tied some wire around the two stems to hold it together, and its been about 3 or 4 days and there is new growth on it, so it seems to be surviving.

My question is how long should I expect to wait before the stem is strong enough to support itself again and I can tie it down. The tops are mere inches from light and I JUST started flowering, so I need to make some space!!!


Well-Known Member
One of my G13xHazes absolutely took off and grew huge and bushy in about a week. Its a beautiful sight. But my grow space has limited height I was going to tie some of the branches down and LST it, which Ive been meaning to do for a while anyway. The problem is, I started to train it as soon as I had got back from being out of town for a week. Apparently there was a slight nutrient issue in my absence(hydro) and the stems were really soft. One of the big stalks tore right at main stem, I didnt even feel it happen, it just flopped over. I was sad :(.
I tied some wire around the two stems to hold it together,
and its been about 3 or 4 days and there is new growth on it, so it seems to be surviving.

My question is how long should I expect to wait before the stem is strong enough to support itself again and I can tie it down. The tops are mere inches from light and I JUST started flowering, so I need to make some space!!!
I think wire is a bit roughhouse. can you re do it with wood/plastic splint and wrap this in electrical tape, should heal in about 2-3 weeks but wait about a month then remove it, cut the tape off with sharp scissors dont try unwrapping it. Be carefull when your bending next time.


Active Member
The main stem is canted at an angle, not vertical, and the broken stem is growing in the opposite direction, so it makes a nice V, the wire just holds the V together. The wire has been really useful in LSTing and works great to hold its shape without requiring a lot of effort to get situated. Its 16g solid core wire. Works great. I did need to use a bit of string to keep the branch from falling to the side though. The stems are nice and strong now that the plants are back to normal, but I should have paid more attention to the softness of the stems when I did it. Luckily it didnt break completely off and it seems to be doing fine despite the damage. This is a very hearty plant.