How long form seed to the harvest


Well-Known Member
Hi guys I have grow my plants for fur months right now but it's still pretty small abut 1feet is it normal for growing

I know I should check the soil Hp and water but every thing is by the bok now Ph is 7.5 and soil is great so what is the problems

I got seed from my dealer in thailand and yup I'm grow this thing in thailand too

need help to grow please:-|


Well-Known Member
light I use to have CFL fr in door but now I'm move outdoor and fert I use the local band which always works with my other kind of plants and I have mix some nut in the soil
als can yu tell it's male or female

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
Sex flowers wont show untill you cut the light back to 12 on 12 off then in about 2 weeks you'll see little white hairs (females) or little clusters of ball or club looking balls (males) if you see both its prolly a hermie.


Well-Known Member
that plant is extremely weak... it definately needs more light for sure... "your local band" does that mean you keep them outside for the length of your daylight? what are you trying for nutes as this thing is hurting! Also, how big of a container do you have it in?


Well-Known Member
Sex flowers wont show untill you cut the light back to 12 on 12 off then in about 2 weeks you'll see little white hairs (females) or little clusters of ball or club looking balls (males) if you see both its prolly a hermie.

lol if you see both its definately a hermie!



Well-Known Member
Again, what type of soil is it, what are the nutrient readings on the fertilizer: N-P-K? Is the fertilizer water soluble or time release? You will need to start adjusting the pH of the water to around 6.5 for starters... How much direct sunlight does the plant get? You need to read up on the grow faq top left.