how long is this gana take

i have 9 plants 7 kush 2 mystery seeds they are all very young. in louisiana where i live spring is already haveing efects on local vegitation. ide like to say all my plants are about the same age but i do have the 2 mystery seeds that are at least 2 weeks older than my 7 kush plants. on average they are all 2 months old and arent growing very fast. i recently introduced a home made "cow shit tea" to speed up growth also i am using a very weak mirical grow mix. the results i see are promising the plants are still short but they are putting on some leafs i counted 3-4 nodes on a 3" inch tall plant (my most mature plant atm =] ) im vey glad that they are all growing short and bushy that will be better in the long run as it will make it harder for them to be spotted. when they hit their vegitative state full on im gowing to be topping/fim'ing em weekly

shit im sory i havent even asked my question yet...well anyways growing under direct sunlight how long will they take till flowering considering i started growing them very early and im using home made and store bought nutrients


Active Member
flowering starts for you in mid to late august maybe early september at the latest.

when you start the plants makes no difference as to when they start flowering, if you would have had them under a decent grow light vegging them then you would end up with some monster plants, but 3 inches in 2 months isn't very good at all. i have had miine under the light for about a week and they are about 3 inches.

move it outside and put it in good soil, they will grow much faster.
flowering starts for you in mid to late august maybe early september at the latest.

when you start the plants makes no difference as to when they start flowering, if you would have had them under a decent grow light vegging them then you would end up with some monster plants, but 3 inches in 2 months isn't very good at all. i have had miine under the light for about a week and they are about 3 inches.

move it outside and put it in good soil, they will grow much faster.
they are outside and have been there for 2 weeks i started them on a window seel and few got realy lanky like 6" inches so i decided to move em outdoors my most mature is 5" inches (i just re-measured) its my most mature because of its nodes it has many nodes and is still putting on nodes rapidly and i smelled it today and it already smells amazing. i have 2 that have at least 4-5 nodes and many true leaves the other 7 are all kush and have 2 sets of true leaves and are all realy lanky (i actualy have to support a couple so they dont fall over) earlier i said i would top them i topped 2 today when i watered them ill will observe if it worked and hope i see 4 new branches pop out in a couple of days


how warm is it when they are out side? and if its lanky, at night bring them in and turn a high fan on them (they'll get strong) you may want to check the soil when you take them back out and make sure its not to dry from the fan. and if you don't mind, take a pic of the kush babies, i think i have kush but i don't know- it was from CA and they swore it was kush, but what dealer tells the truth lol


Active Member
chris cunnky buds 3 inch in two months is not so good not even sativa grow that slow. If I can give my two cents i would say to grow indoors they grow fater and you can have some meds way before your outdoor grow is even half way through, and honstly If you have not had so much experiance then growing indoor is alot easier than outdoor thats a hands down qestion growing indoors allows you to control every thing you are mother nature and tell them bitches to start giving you meds pretty much when ever you want. hell you can harvest like twice indoors before one outdoor even finishes also growing outdoors can be a pain during lights out hell here in los angeles the dam goverment tryed to get smart and change all our streeet light from a 2700k to a freakin day led now tell me how the hell am i suppose to keep them dark is that not scanless, also outdoors you have so many pest and diseses i would say if your growing out doors then it would be good to give them a strong potasium supplement to help fight disses and pest hopes this helps.


RIU Bulldog
You can control it outside almost the same you would inside. Growers in california make "dark frames" out of their greenhouses. You could do the same on a smaller level, makeing a cube out of pvc and then covering 5 sides of it with black poly. Then you just make sure the plant get 12 hours of darkness with it. You'll have to figure out how to cover it without choking it, but it wouldn't be to hard to figure out.