How long til buds appear?

the ginger man

Active Member
One of my plants, was 7 weeks vegging, grown from seed was put under 12/12 one week ago. There are still no buds forming, a few pre-flowering hairs, but no buds. Is this normal? How long before buds appear? It's a grapefruit strain in soil, appears healthy now about 8 weeks old.

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
Im not familiar with the grapefruit strain but some plants can take 3 weeks to show strong bud sites. Be patient you will get your smoke, peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Harvest now!!!!

just kidding

Listen to Mogie. Patience. god darn blessed fricking patience. And then some more patience. Then, when you think it's time for harvest, wait some more. Wait, wait, wait... First grow should be accompanied with a bottle of prozac.


Well-Known Member
Harvest now!!!!

just kidding

Listen to Mogie. Patience. god darn blessed fricking patience. And then some more patience. Then, when you think it's time for harvest, wait some more. Wait, wait, wait... First grow should be accompanied with a bottle of prozac.
lol, how many of us havent done it atleast once in our growing lives. its just a small one, its almost done, the microwave will work... haaackkk. lol you will thank yourself for waiting. i believe it is the true test of patience.

the ginger man

Active Member
Thanks for the advice guys. All things come to those who wait I suppose. You're right though, first grow is nerve wreaking, nice to have some support from people who know what they're talking about. Thanks again!