how long till i can see my sprouts


Active Member
kk so i planted my seeds(and this is my first grow) two days ago theyve been getting 18 hour light cycle and im just wondering when they will pop out of the soil oh and i germinated if that even matters


New Member
kk so i planted my seeds(and this is my first grow) two days ago theyve been getting 18 hour light cycle and im just wondering when they will pop out of the soil oh and i germinated if that even matters
if u germinated and they have not at least started pokin out then u prob planted them too deep....plant no more than a quarter inch


Active Member
welcome to riu! =)

the seeds dont really need a light cycle at all actually its better to have humidity plus moisture plus dark. i like to get like a ten gal fish tank spray the inside get a top to one of the plastc boxes put pots lightly watered under the fishtank thats sitting on top of the plastic lid covering your plants then just put in a dark room or cover with blanket. they will sprout with just darkness, but once they sprout throw them in the light immediatley!! =) . daaaamn long explanation im sorry if you dont understand it lol peace Smoke =One!!


Hi Purp,

The guys posting right above me both make good points. If you germed your seeds, you would normally see the sprout breaking the surface in about 24 hours or less unless you planted it too deep or compacted the soil too much when you were filling in around your germed seed. Assuming you did none of the above, then you might just have slow starting seeds... I hope. As for the lights, hell you could leave them off until the sprout shows as long as you keep the temps up around 80F or even warmer. When it comes to sprouting seeds, heat and moisture are your best friends. Good luck on your grow!