How long to agitate trim in washing machine for buble hash?

Do you all smoke your 25 micron bag? Normally it doesn't look great but this stuff looks really good!
It depends. I give it a try and if it's good by itself I will (if it's not that good then it's I the butter or in the alcohol... I do add in some from the 45 too, if I like it.

The stuff in the 25 from this batch was nice, I tried it, and I liked it. So, I bottle pressed some and it melted out nicely. Then I added some more to it from the 45 and it was even better. Not quite full melt stuff, but it doesn't have to be, to be just freaking lovely!
It depends. I give it a try and if it's good by itself I will (if it's not that good then it's I the butter or in the alcohol... I do add in some from the 45 too, if I like it.

The stuff in the 25 from this batch was nice, I tried it, and I liked it. So, I bottle pressed some and it melted out nicely. Then I added some more to it from the 45 and it was even better. Not quite full melt stuff, but it doesn't have to be, to be just freaking lovely!
Yeah my 25 is great! I'm not used to it! Lol