How many autos in a 5 gallon dwc bucket?


Well-Known Member
I have grown in dwc 5 gallon buckets for a while. I have always use the 6 inch net pot lids and did 1 plant in each bucket.

If I were to go with blue dream autos and used a 8 inch net pot lid, how many could I fit into one 5 gallon bucket realistically?

I feel that 1 per bucket and 4 buckets in a 4x4 tent is a waste of potential space.




Well-Known Member
this was at 6ft camera level. my rdwcs are the sour diesel plants in the back starting at the red light back to the wall. had 4 of them. 6ft 5 inches. had about 8 -12 main colas each, my coco white cookies below.